Had a nice afternoon practice, 9 holes of golf with league buddies, then several holes on the course taking my Goldilocks Drill for dispersion to the course.
Worked left and right dispersion at the range to within 7 yards as instructed. Wind came up but was able to adjust with the clubs assigned. Shot a nice 38 with two 3 putts on the bogeys. Both balls center on the green, long putts but pulled second putt right misses. Haven't been practicing putting for several months now.
Last, after playing 9, teed 3 balls with my mark aligned 12-15* to inside. The three were pretty much in line in the middle of the fairway with the last one the shortest hitting into the cross wind. I hit the middle ball from the deck with the same feel from the inside towards the group on the green with a 5 wood not a 3, as to not hit up on them. The hole was 458 playing slightly longer with the wind. My feeling over the shot was it was going to go left but it went back center, down the fairway, as my instructor had mapped it and with a nice flight pattern.
Second shot. 5 wood.