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  1. As I mentioned I vaguely heard rumors. Of course if it were to be considered it would have to be under certain special circumstances or conditions and not across the board for any and every shot. Some have heard discussions, and some have not, and of course I meant to say USGA and RoG. I was only interested in hearing if anyone else had heard anything like this and if there was any truth to it because I've seen multiple times in the last month where elderly golfers opted to take stroke and distance instead of delay play by taking the time to inspect a ball that was possibly playable and where it was clear that the other options were not practical. Thanks for the information about the Model Local Rule, that could be the root of the rumors I've heard. It does not fit my specific example, but that is how some rumors start, so could be. Appreciate everyone's time. Peace.
  2. There is nothing wrong with this guys elbows or wrists but.... I know a guy who doesn't bend his elbows when he swings and doesn't bend his wrists either, well noticeably anyway. He turns at the waist and gets the club to about waist high on the back swing and again waist high on the follow through. He's not long bu the never mishits the ball and his short game is spectacular.....he's about a 10 handicap. He's amazing to watch and amazing to play with, but I'd do the Theraband thing before I'd go that extreme.
  3. I hear ya. Everything is a trade off. I was just wondering if there was any truth to the rumor while I'm down here in Orlando waiting 15mins between shots. I'm fine with it because it speeds play and because many of these guys are so mobility challenged that they just abandon the 1st ball even though it is very possible that it is playable. Instead of taking what the consider to be all that time, they just take the stroke and distance so as not to inconvenience the rest of us. Most times I try to handle it like I do the the old lady in the grocery store checkout line who apologizes for being slow while checking out.. I always say, "you take all the time you want ma'am, you've earned it".
  4. I had vaguely heard that the PGA and RoG were considering widening the provisional ball rule to include not only possible lost ball but also possible unplayable. I play in handicap tourneys sometimes with higher handicappers and allowing something like this would be a good idea to move along play I think. For instance, duff off the tee on a par3 island green skips across the water and comes to rest on the beach but still in the hazzard as the stakes are above the beach in about a foot of rough between the beach and the fringe of the green. Player knows he doesn't want to take a drop where it crossed the hazard but isn't sure if he wants to play the ball on the beach as it lies. I don't think the rules allow him to put a provisional in play because it is certain in this case the ball is in the hazard because we can see that it is, or in other words it's not lost or OB. So he has to either make the decision to hit 3 from the tee (taking an unplayable) right then and there, or go to the ball, inspect the lie, decide upon the unplayable, and then go back to the tee if he doesn't want to play it as it lies. It's time consuming, but I think that's the rule. Has anyone heard if this was real and if so what happened to this idea?
  5. Choosing the right ball for you does matter, but it is less important when you are starting out and it becomes more important as your game improves. Many years ago in one of the first lessons I took, the teaching Pro told me to always play the same brand/type ball and that that advise alone will save me 2 strokes on average per round. What he meant was that by playing the same ball over time I would get accustomed to the way it reacts, especially around the greens which would translate to a few strokes less I would find on my scorecard. Now this is not to say you should not experiment a little first especially if you are just starting out. But over time you should be able to settle on a ball that feels right for you. Now-a-days a person can get fitted for a ball, but you really shouldn't do that until you've developed some resemblance of a game. There are new balls coming out all the time and the marketing hype around them can be very confusing. So good advise from boogilicious, start with a ball that fits you budget because you will lose golf balls. As your game gets better and you settle on a brand/type you like, try staying with just it for a while, it might help and it certainly can't hurt.
  6. In a conversation I was having one day with an older guy than me who I had to play against in match play (I'm in my mid 60's, and he is in his early 70's) he said, "You'll get old one day too", as if that was justification for wanting additional consideration over and above our handicap difference because he was a few years older than me. He did agree that his age was reflected in his performance, and his performance was reflected by his handicap, yet he still felt because he was 7 years older than me that he was entitled to additional strokes. I believe he was getting 10 strokes, but still felt he was at a disadvantage playing against me and thought he should get more. During the match neither was ever down or up by more than 2 strokes at any time in the match. We came off #17 with me up 1, and I happened to chip in on #18 for a birdie to tie his par-with-a-stroke and win the match. I have lost matches over the years the same way but this time it happened to go my way. So we both shot slightly under our handicaps, it was a very close match, yet another of his comments in the clubhouse was "see you won which just goes to prove it wasn't a fair match". I think for some there is a tendency to judge things based solely on the outcome. There are many years of history and tradition in golf which have been created and maintained by some very smart organizations with people who have done great things to help preserve and update this game. But when two people play a match, there are two things that will never change, that is, one will be the winner and one will not. No matter what age you are, if you can't accept not being the winner, or don't want to play by the rules, then do everyone a favor and don't play because it's not the rules that are unfair, and it's not your age that is the reason why you lost, it's really just the guy in the mirror who's causing it all. "It's just a game Bagger".
  7. Let me first get a few things out of the way. 1-we are assuming here that the blue tees are rated higher than the white tees, or said another way, the blue tee is a more difficult course than the white tee (side note: typically it is due to the additional distance). 2- we are talking about a net competition here using the players handicaps, not a gross competition. 3- recognize that there are mathematical realities when using averages given averages are used in calculating a handicaps, and 4- we must agree that the courses are rated correctly as the previous poster points out. So with those out of the way...... In your scenario once the handicaps for the white tees are calculated Player B and Player A would play even from the white tees which is the handicap system recognizing that Player B's potential ability (reflected by his index) is the same as Player A's. You can of course learn more about the math by doing your own research, but here is an example explaining why that is so: Player A plays the white tees all the time. The slope/rating is 115/67.3 and he has 20 scores of 78 recorded with no tournament scores. So the sum of his differentials is 105: (78score - 67.3rating = 10.7/115slope x 113 = 10.5differential x 10rounds= 105), and his index is 10 : (105/10rounds=10.5*.96factor = 10.08 which is truncated to 10.0 index). Player B plays the blue tees all the time. The slope/rating is 123/68.6 and he has 20 scores of 80 recorded also with no tournament scores. The sum of his differentials is also 105: (80score - 68.6rating = 11.4/123slope x 113 = 10.5 x 10rounds = 105) and his index is also 10: (105/10*.96=10.08 which is truncated to 10.0 index). So as you can see, player B plays a tougher set of tees (higher slope/rating) and scores 2 strokes higher than Player A but has the same handicap index as Player A who plays a less difficult course and scores lower because ones handicap index (or potential golfing ability) is not calculated in relation to par, it is calculated in relation to the level of difficulty of the course/tees being played (the slope/rating). Now you can do your own research to understand how the match would be handicapped if they both played in a match from their respective tees (see section 3-5 of the USGA handicap manual). But if Player A and Player B were to play a match from the white tees, they would play straight up even though player A always shoots 78 and player B always shoots 80 because their potential golfing ability, which is calculated by their index, is the same and since they are both playing this particular competition from the same tees, they are considered of equal ability. Now I did what I could to make this easy to understand. In reality not everyone scores the same every time they play and not everyone plays the same set of tees, or even the same course every time. I'm sure I will be checked by others on my example and I welcome that. If I made a mistake, somewhere by all means, please correct me. Just trying to show you the math. Finally, I do acknowledge a few other things. 1- all people don't necessarily match up well against all others, 2- any calculation using averages must acknowledge that half the time a specific event is below average and half the time it is above average. Remember too that the handicap index is a reflection of a persons golfing potential, not what he/she will accomplish every time he/she plays a round.
  8. OK so I did my 1 hour fitting session for irons with True Spec Golf at Lake Nona which is right next to the Orlando airport, what a beautiful place. I am currently waiting for my Trackman datato be loaded but the short of it was that the irons I'm hitting are not optimal for me anymore. I was playing Mizuno MP-54 (which are forged clubs) with TT Dynamic Gold S300 shafts. The initial data said my 7 iron carry was about 138, and I typically play it for length of 150. So it wasn't that far off but when I hit it off center I lost 10 yards or more. Also the fitter noted that my smash factor was lower than he would expect (although I do not remember the number). Skipping to the end what I ended up with were the Mizuno JPX 919 Hot Metal Pro with KBS TGI 701 shafts. So a bit more whippy a shaft and a bit more forgiving a club head. As a compare the carry became 152 with the new irons/sticks but I do recognize that the MP-54 7 iron was 34 degrees and the new 7 iton is 31 degrees, so that's where some of the distance came from. The rest came from a lighter graphite shaft and hopefully the "hot metal" club face. I will load the trackman data once it is available. The best part was even off center hits traveled almost as long as center hits. As I'm getting older and losing distance and making poorer contact, I was happy to see that. My review of TRUE SPEC GOLF would be: PROS: Very professional facility, huge manicured range with all the targets greens and other practice facility stuff you'd expect and then some. The fitting is loaded with endless choices in sticks and shafts. Very professional fitting explaining everything as we progressed, and the guy knew what he was doing. Very impressive setting too, basically everything was top shelf all the way. I will also explain that the fitting was an hour for $125. Also, you can literally walk if you want to with your trackman data and if you think about it, for just $125 it is a great investment when you are looking at $1000 or more for the equipment even at the lowest price you can find. We also found that the clubs I was playing were not custom as I have been told, they were not 2 degrees flat as I had ordered for instance CONS: The price quote I got for the irons to be ordered and made was a little short of double what you'd pay for "off the shelf" clubs online. Considering that I've never felt that I got what I wanted and the fitter confirmed that for me, they guarantee I will get what I ordered, and so I ordered them. It'll be quite a change for me. More to come when my trackman data shows up.
  9. I totally agree. I spent a lot of time on drivers that I had trouble controlling. They gave me some extra length when I hit them right, but I found myself out of the fairway a lot. Then I found my latest gamer and it wasn't cheap, an 8.5 degree Titleist 913D2 but the amount of confidence that I have when I step up to the tee is a great feeling. I literally know I'm going to hit the fairway with it. It's aging now and I am getting older too and the loss of distance is concerning, so following this post is great insight into the replacement process which will become eventual for me.
  10. Sounds like you had fun as well as gained some insight. I always find it a lot of fun to hit clubs and see the results but also find it's hard to find a shop that will allow you to spend that kind of time in the bay hitting. 17 yards of carry is a nice gain from just an equipment change and as far as the cost, don't think of it like it's $300, think of it more like it's only $17.65 a yard Question: Were you able to change shafts as well or were you hitting whatever shaft was in the demo club? Just wondering if the shaft might have had some effect on your results and/or if you were able to isolate that variable or not. Keep us informed of the Tour Edge/Exotics results. It would be really interesting to see your results on those vs the data you've already posted.
  11. TXGolfDude, Here also is a link to the 2018 MyGolfSpy article rating 3 woods for 2018. Given it's 2019 now I'm sure any improved technology between now and 2018 is almost immeasurable, although I'm sure you'll find marketing pitches that contradict that. 2018 MOST WANTED FAIRWAY WOOD 24 Fariway Woods, 20 Testers, the largest unbiased head-to-head 3 wood test in the world. Short Story is #1 = Exoitics CBx, #2 = Callaway Rogue, #3 = Callaway Rogue SubZero, and there are many others included. I always take these types of things with a grain of salt. "The Best" tend to come from some method of aggregating the data of the test results and the only thing I can be sure of is that my results will almost surely aggregate differently. Then of course there is always the argument of how much a particular company might have "donated" to this test group and how that might influence the results. Also I believe the right shaft is a big variable in anyone's swing but I could not find what shaft manufacturer was used in the testing so I have to assume they used what ever the stock shaft was that came in the club (noting that sometimes there can be different shafts used within the same year by the same club manufacturer). Still this information is very interesting, and although it does not answer your question how much better they are than your 2008 gamer, you might take your gamer and try some of these clubs in the list to see how they compare. Good Luck!
  12. I was speaking of the Rocketballz fairway woods, but yes I've heard the irons were long too. 🙂
  13. Anyone ever use True Spec Golf? They are a custom fitting company that from the advertising looks impressive. I am headed there within the next few days for a custom fitting for irons. Just wondering if there are any experiences out there that I might draw from. Thanks in advance!
  14. I am still hitting fairway woods that are 2007 Callaway Big Bertha myself. Like you I am getting older (really you're still a kid!), and I'm losing a little distance and want to find equipment that will get some distance back. I bought some Tour Edge Hot Launch fairway woods last year and I couldn't hit them no matter what I did. I got a good deal and decided to give them a go but sold them for half of what I bought them for and went back to my Callaways. I agree, go find the nearest TrackMan center and hit 3woods until your hands bleed. Either that or go pay for a custom fitting for fairway woods with one of the custom fitting centers like Club Champion or True Spec. I myself am in need of new irons (the heads are wearing) and so I am headed to True Spec. I could not find anything about them out here so I will start a new post letting everyone know how it goes. Lastly, I got to believe that technology has advanced enough over these past 10 years, especially in the shafts of today, that there has got to be an advantage over clubs built 10years ago, but I have no science or data behind that to offer. I remember when the Taylormade Rocketballz came out years ago. I have a friend who is a 2 handicap and has won the state am. twice and the senior state am twice who said he thought they should be illegal!
  15. Well said. When one participates, he agrees prior to the start of the event that he will abide by the rules. The rules and the conditions of competition are published for all to see before each event begins so there is no excuse to not know them. If during play a rule is invoked and a penalty is dealt, no matter how "unfair" one may feel the rule is, one needs to consider his conduct given he has already agreed to abide by the rules at the start.
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