My swing has been seriously messed up. The end of last season and so far this golf season, golf has just not been any fun for me. I had made so many changes to what I was doing that I had done what felt like irreparable harm to my swing. No distance, everything slicing. The more I read or listened to the more messed up I got. Trust me folks, it was bad.
So yesterday I bought a medicus in what was strictly a desperation move. After just 5 or 10 minutes in the back yard I was able to swing the club without it breaking. Today was the real test though. I warmed up with it before my round and started out with pretty good results.... not great but good. More of a fade than a slice and better contact. Things started falling apart on the back 9 though and I started casting pretty badly. The problem was that the medicus had shown me all the mistakes I had been making (take back too quick and not done with shoulders, not getting toe of club pointed up, not parallel to target at full backswing, left elbow bending on take back, not staying inside on swing, stopping the club and not following through the ball after contact) but there was too much going on in my head. I was trying to correct too many things at once. Also, it was a fairly quick pace and I did not feel I had the time to take out the medicus and find my swing between real swings.
My buddy and I then decided we would play a 2nd round which I was very much up for as I knew I needed repetition.
Many more people on the golf course at this point so play was much much slower. I warmed up with my medicus for a good 15 minutes before teeing off and alternated between practice swings with my medicus and practice swings with my real driver.
Struggled for about three holes but because of the slow play just kept practicing and practicing my swing. By the 4th hole things started to click. The takeaway all the way through to the top of my back swing was now automatic and I didn't have to think about it any longer. Now I could think about coming inside and concentrating on that. Another hole or two goes by and that part now is automatic and I"m not thinking about that. So now my concentration is just on following through and proper weight shift. Holy Moley, I'm hitting my drives strajight. Straight left of my target but the flight of the ball is straight. I notice on the fairway that I'm spinning as I swing so I make an adjustment with my feet and point my toes inward just a little. All of a sudden I'm hitting my targets. Everything is starting to click and I'm gaining confidence. Shot after shot is flying true and far and all of a sudden golf is fun again.
For me the medicus has been a life saver. I can't wait to get out there again. The medicus is staying in my bag and I'll be using it a lot at the driving range and for warming up with before every round. My buddy who I play with 3 times a week was relieved to see me having fun again.
I don't know how good a tool it would be for somebody who already has a pretty good swing but for someone struggling as much as I was, this is a good purchase. I doubt that a lesson would have straightened me out as quickly as my medicus. I don't see myself trying to hit golf balls with it although supposedly you can. But as I said, I'll be using it daily to fortify my swing and create the all important muscle memory of the proper swing mechanics.