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Everything posted by sinclac

  1. sinclac


  2. Ben Hogans five lessons. Jack Nicklaus Golf my way.
  3. Yes stay on the balls of your feet as much as you can, if you get some type of clip-less pedals or straps you will peddle more efficiently. Your butt will get use to the seat.
  4. It's not hard to get hooked, this is what started it for me i ride (My commuter below) 12 miles a day back and forth to work.
  5. Here's mine, been riding for 2 years now about 150 miles a week.
  6. It's about 10 miles from me and I've never played it so I'm going to check the facilities this week end.
  7. Maintenance Technician for low income housing.
  8. It's my understanding that it is a 6 month deal your locked into.
  9. Do you think this is a good deal, the $49.00 dollar one. I need to practise a lot. http://www.playmather.com/page.php?page_id=3128
  10. There's a post on the forum you can get the Clicgrear 3.0 for $119.00 the sale ends tomorrow 2-24 so do a search. I just paid $194.00 for one.
  11. sinclac


    Anyone else get this message? Warning - visiting this web site may harm your computer! Chuck
  12. Thank you, for the info much appreciated.
  13. Is there a big difference between a regular flex and a senior flex? Chuck
  14. Well not playing them yet still haven't came in yet. 3 wood and driver are both Tour Edge QLS the driver is a high launch.
  15. We got a tax refund this year (Never Happens) So today is new club day, looking at Tour Edge Bazooka QLS irons, 3 Wood and Driver. Also looking at Cleveland Classic Bronze 5 Mallet Putter. Just got my other stuff on Tuesday: Clicgear 3.0 push cart (Blue) Bagboy Revolver cart bag PRO (Blue/Silver/Black Reclaimed Titleist balls (Grade C) 8 Dozen Life is good. Chuck
  16. Why is your uPro not worth any thing?
  17. Phil Mickelson is my all time Favorite.
  18. New Irons for the wife.
  19. Thats interesting Thanks for the info.
  20. So does the touch have GPS?
  21. Congratulations
  22. Who gives a rats A%% if she doesent like it she knows where the door is!! I play once or twice a week and watch it every chance i get on TV, she watches with me most the time. I might also add been married for 31 years and the kids are grown and GONE.
  23. Does it have GPS? I know the Golfshot score card would.
  24. Here lately mine have been further then i thought, but then i start wondering did i walk past it.
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