Update on mine from over a two year period of on and off pain with this.
Currently oplaying 1-2 times a week with mild pain on and off.
Originally thought to be the joint in the back causing the nerve to pinch and radiate pain around to the front right hand side.
Physio helped a lot with this and I can perform certain release techniques on myself with some success.
But now after seeing another doctor it is thought to be "slippy rib syndrome"
So looks like I injured a rib muscle (golfing) and as a result the injured muscle is stretched allowing the rib to slip now and then, the pain is in right centre of ribs, I also now get some pain in center of chest as well that I can feel as tightness and this sometimes goes right through to the back (hence my revisit to doctors to make sure it as not anything serious) as well an inflamed sternum that clicks when I press it, so I am schedule to see a specialist again and see what he recommends.
At the moment it only flares up real bad when I am doing heavy practice (every day at the moment breaking in a new swing) but trying to swing within my self and in a different setup position seems to be helping, maybe my old swing was in such bad shape it was putting unneeded stress on my right side? (had a lot of swaying movement in backswing)
Anyway as said only true way is lots of rest, but I will update with what the doc says.
Stick with it guys :)