I don't take any test numbers seriously until they can stop with the false positives, false negatives nonsense. Nobody has any idea of the real numbers. What I do know is that in a country of over 350M people, hardly any hospitals or cities used their emergency medial facilities for patient overflow during the pre-lockdown spread of Covid. Is it scary? Sure it is. Should it be taken seriously? Of course. Should the US grind to a halt because of it? No way. People love to use New Zealand as an example of success, but you can't compare an island with 4M people who gets 11M visitors a year to the USA who got almost 70M international visitors last year. Everyone wants to say we aren't doing enough but nobody has an answer other than shut everything down. This country is not setup to sustain months and months and months of economic stagnation, nor can they afford to pay everyone a monthly sum to make ends meet. There is no magic wand, and no easy way to do this in a country where people hold on to their beliefs of freedom with literally their lives.
We don't bat an eye at the 300,000 people that die each year from obesity, which also makes people way more likely to die from Covid. We shrug at the 480,000 tobacco related deaths each year, which also makes people more susceptible to the virus. But we grind to a screeching halt over a virus that primarily effects the old and sick, which by they way, most diseases are more deadly to the old and sick. I don't get it.
I'm not a conspiracy theory nutjob, but at some point you have to wonder if this is more about safety or compliance.