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About bjw181

  • Birthday 11/30/1984

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Your Golf Game

  • Index: 3.2
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Looking to take the next step in golf...but first some background. I'll try to keep it short. I've always played golf. My grandfather would take me out all the time as a little boy. I had my little 7-iron to hit around with while I eagerly followed my grandfather around the course. I fell in love with the game. Come my teenage years, golf became difficult to juggle with football and track. My parents pushed me in the direction of football, rather than in the direction of golf. It payed off though as I recieved a scholarship at a junior college for football. However, I never lost my golfing desire. I played or practiced as much as I could while in college, sometimes even late at night after an exhausting practice. Come graduation, I have a BBA in finance and no finance job. This was one 1.5 years ago this month. I am currently still unemployed other than various temporary office jobs which leaves me tons of time for golfing. When I graduated, I was at about a -10 handicap. I now stand at about a -3. My strengths are distance and my short game. I've played almost all of my clubs tournaments (about 5 per season) and fared pretty well under pressure of competition. Sorry for the length...now my questions. 1. For anyone who took their golf to the next level, how did you do it? 2. Where can one find a coach who works with aspiring mini-tour/tour hopefulls or lower handicap golfers? (I'm currently in SoCal) 3. Costs. How did you come up with the money for expenses (Q-school costs, practice rounds, food, travel, etc.) and still have four or five hours to practice per day? 4. Secondary option. PGA professional. How can I become an apprentice? It seems every teenager wants a golf course job and I get snubbed out by a 16 year old whose father has connections with the course superintendent. I'm pretty sure I could easily pass the the playing ability tests. How do I get a course job and work under a current PGA pro? Once again, sorry for the length. I hope someone can help me out. I feel happiest on the course and want to make it a part of my life, wherever it may fit in. I would do it for free if I could afford it, and in that same sense, I don't mind eating raemon noodles and pop tarts, or working a night job to pursue my dream.
  2. You keep your weight centered on the backswing...but its not a bad thing according to some modern swing theories. Look up tips for a stack and tilt swing. As far as your grip which was already addressed, I would work on your takeaway. I see you are a bit handsy. You want everything for the first foot or so of your swing to move back together, propelled by your shoulder turn alone. After that first foot, you can let the club move up however much you like, as long as you keep your left arm connected to your body. Don't over-do it, or you will end up coming too far inside on your backswing which almost always leads to an over-the-top disaster downswing.
  3. I play conservative as well. For example... 176 yard par 3, pin back, little wind, no trouble front. I could muscle a 7 iron straight at the pin and try to have it stop dead, but I would much rather hit a lower, controlled shot with 6 iron and try and land it at the front/middle of the green and let it release for an uphill putt, and hopefully, a decent birdie chance. If I miss short, I still have a good lie with some green to work with for a chip shot and a more than likely par. Same goes for any other shot. If there is trouble left and a front pin on that same par 3, I may take that same 6 iron and hit a high fade right at the left side of the green. If I hit it straight, I'm putting, if I hit it perfect, I'm in with a birdie. If I overcook it, I'm still out of trouble on the right side of the green.
  4. Tough without a video. Reverse pivot is typically caused by tilting rather than turning your shoulders. Divots are ok to be pointing left, as long as you are not coming over the top. Execute a one piece takeaway (search the forums for info) for the first foot or so of the backswing then turn your shoulders and swing your arms up so as to take the club back on roughly the same angle as the club lies at address. Keep the left arm straight and let your hands hinge naturally.
  5. I'de like to see 285 carry with the amount of spin you say you are generating... What is the problem again? You hit the ball over 275 yards and it stops dead? That does not sound like a problem I would be worried about. If you hit the fairway, then all is good. Plus its probably just a wet fairway. The pros you see on TV are playing on very hard fairways, but when its wet, the player's ball stops just as quickly as yours does. In my opinion, you should focus on other aspects of your game, like putting.
  6. Yeah I knew this place was going to hurt my golf when I decided to move. I guess I'll have to go on my pop-tarts and ramon noodle diet. Its tuff to play as much golf as I did in Texas while trying to hold down a $1,000/month apartment.
  7. I checked out Arroyo. Not enough benefits for the money in terms of practice facilities. Great course for the money though.
  8. In order of most importance: 1. Shaggin' Wagon 2. Any kind of van (assuming you will be with friends) 3. Toyota Prius (for the mileage)
  9. Blocking a ball is caused by coming inside-out.
  10. No, it is impossible. The laws of golf do not allow such events from taking place. I love tight cut fairways. Much easier to control spin with less grass.
  11. His Little Green Book. The man was like a golfing shrink, possibly the best there will ever be at teaching the mental game and life in general. I almost cried with Crenshaw when he won only a week after loosing Harvey. RIP.
  12. Just moved here last month. Anyone know of any golf club memberships with good deals? And when I say golf club I'm not talking about country club. Something that won't break the bank. Some important perks: Free or cheap range Well maintained putting greens Decent full size course with an early twilight Cheap 19th hole Good looking cart girls
  13. Were you playing "real" golf?
  14. I remember my first time! Breaking 80 was the bite from the golf bug that has me hooked to this day. Now that you have the confidence and the mental images of breaking 80, you can really start to enjoy the game much more!
  15. That's terrible. What a horrible way to instill a competitive spirit in today's youth. You need to do the right thing and call them on that BS yourself. I would not stand for that in any way. The game deserves better than 15 year old punks like that ruining competitive golf.
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