Looking to take the next step in golf...but first some background. I'll try to keep it short.
I've always played golf. My grandfather would take me out all the time as a little boy. I had my little 7-iron to hit around with while I eagerly followed my grandfather around the course. I fell in love with the game.
Come my teenage years, golf became difficult to juggle with football and track. My parents pushed me in the direction of football, rather than in the direction of golf. It payed off though as I recieved a scholarship at a junior college for football.
However, I never lost my golfing desire. I played or practiced as much as I could while in college, sometimes even late at night after an exhausting practice. Come graduation, I have a BBA in finance and no finance job. This was one 1.5 years ago this month. I am currently still unemployed other than various temporary office jobs which leaves me tons of time for golfing. When I graduated, I was at about a -10 handicap. I now stand at about a -3. My strengths are distance and my short game. I've played almost all of my clubs tournaments (about 5 per season) and fared pretty well under pressure of competition.
Sorry for the length...now my questions.
1. For anyone who took their golf to the next level, how did you do it?
2. Where can one find a coach who works with aspiring mini-tour/tour hopefulls or lower handicap golfers? (I'm currently in SoCal)
3. Costs. How did you come up with the money for expenses (Q-school costs, practice rounds, food, travel, etc.) and still have four or five hours to practice per day?
4. Secondary option. PGA professional. How can I become an apprentice? It seems every teenager wants a golf course job and I get snubbed out by a 16 year old whose father has connections with the course superintendent. I'm pretty sure I could easily pass the the playing ability tests. How do I get a course job and work under a current PGA pro?
Once again, sorry for the length. I hope someone can help me out. I feel happiest on the course and want to make it a part of my life, wherever it may fit in. I would do it for free if I could afford it, and in that same sense, I don't mind eating raemon noodles and pop tarts, or working a night job to pursue my dream.