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Everything posted by SullyGolf

  1. Long time since I've posted. I've been working through some really hard swing changes and admitting that I needed to nearly start over to actually get better. I shot almost the best 9 hole 44 of my life this morning while actually playing by the rules. I'm trying to legitimize my golf game, keep a real handicap and work past being just a weekend hack to someone who can maybe play actual bogey golf somewhat regularly. Had a couple disastrous double bogeys that kind of blew up my score. Favorite shot was an absolutely pured baby draw 5i about 180yds on a par 3 with a 2 putt for par.
  2. SullyGolf


  3. Played Heather Hill in MA today and it is legit the worst course I've ever played. Conditions were atrocious, playing preferred lies and if you were lucky enough to hold the fairway which entirely consisted of hard packed dirt you may have to move 10-20 yards to find a piece of grass to hit off of. If you hit a great shot you were very likely to run into the woods due to the fairways being essentially concrete. Tee boxes hadn't been cut in at least a week and you couldn't find a level spot to stand on on atleast 75% of them. I wound up playing bump and runs in nearly every situation because you couldn't predict what a good ball would do. 101 today, I sucked but the course was wretched.
  4. I played with a 7hcp recently and he was a really nice guy, he was my buddies friend who played with us. I'm like a 20 my buddy is a 24-26ish and my other buddy a 36+. I was thinking this guy is going to be an absolute stud off the tee and put us all to shame. Here's the thing, he wasn't, well at least not always. He hit a fair amount of wayward tee shots that found the woods just like us, he failed to hit 2 of the par 3 greens, he tried to cut the corner on the dogleg #18 and failed spectacularly and you wouldn't tell he was the best player in our group by far going by tee shots. But he finished with an 81 and none of us broke 100. The biggest difference I could see were of course short game and putting, he was an up and down machine. But he hit drives on some holes that would've turned into a double/triple minimum for me that he either saved par on or bogied at worst. His trick was clean, safe recovery shots every time. In the tress 190 yards out? He would hit a little running 7 iron out the trees and into the fairway to have his 3rd shot be from 150 with a clean lie and then he would crush that third shot every time. I realized about 1/2 way through the round that he almost never made any situation worse for himself and was always trying to improve for the next shot instead of fixing the mistake of his last shot. Seemed like just a completely different paradigm to how we were playing golf, he was always looking forward to the next best score he could achieve instead of desperately trying to save the score he thought he should have. I'm trying to replicate this mindset now every time I get out.
  5. I like to picture saying "good round" and standing there with your hand extended awkwardly before giving a good ol' air handshake. Maybe he has extreme social anxiety and playing with you was like torture for 18 holes?
  6. Did it today! Missing the birdie on #1 hurt because I drove it to the fringe and 3 putted there... First 2 holes today were some of the best golf I've played. Trying to read and put "Golf is not a Game of Perfect" mentality into my approach, but it's pretty hard. Hit the green on #3 and then 3 putted which got me off my game and lead to the next 2 holes being a clown fest. OB on the next drive and then on #5 I sky balled my drive, hit an incredible 210yd 3 hybrid to the a few feet from the green and then chipped it to like 8ft and 3 putted! So annoying, I really need to improve my putting... Other than that I was very happy with the 4 on #6 which is the #1 hcp hole here. Hit a solid 260 yard drive, then a real good 6 iron the remaining 175 to just on the fringe, 1 chip and 1 putt and sweet victory. Feel like I can break 40 on this course if I could just combine my putting and my good shots together on a few more holes, or at least have my putting bail me out 1-2x a round...
  7. Not as much as a horror story that other people have had, but got paired with a kinda D bag once. Playing with my friend who was very bad at the time, going out for a twilight walk to play until the sun goes down. First tee box a very tan, athletic guy in his 50's dressed like freaking tiger woods with golf pants, bright shirt, bright white shoes and visor asks to play with us. No problem there, you do you guy. My buddy shanks his first shot pretty horrifically and the guy blurts out like "oh wow". I pull mine and he says "pulled it huh", yes I know thanks for the information. He blasts it like 280 yards dead straight and continues to wiggle worm and make comments on every shot before asking if he can just go ahead of us on the green. I gladly said yes. I don't understand asking to play with someone and then being a dick about it. I would've let him through no problem, but I guess he had to show us how important he was before he went through or something.
  8. 45 today on 9 at Marion Golf Club in Marion MA This one really stung, even though my last 3 rounds here have been 45. First hole should've been a 5 at worst but putting really let me down today. 3 Putted on #3 after sticking it to 8 feet, missed putts on almost every hole and blew up on #8 after keeping every other hole within reason that round. #4 and #6 I had to deal with maintenance crew in the fairway working on a wetspot and they didn't move and just waved me on to hit, so of course I wound up pulling both drives to just not hit them, hate when I can't focus on a shot due to external circumstances. Really should've shot a 42 or better today, just super disappointing.
  9. Worked on a course 1 week out they are pretty annoying still 2 weeks out they are not great but returning to normal after 4 weeks they should be normal again may be up to 6 weeks before they are pristine / better than before though Of course it depends on how good condition the greens were in before aerating, how well the team aerated and grated in the sand and what mother nature decides to do in the meantime. Drought conditions will exacerbate and overly moist conditions will cause other issues but generally cooler / wetter is better than hotter and dryer.
  10. If they had evidence of Moroz wrong doing and refused to correct the outcome of the cut line then I believe those who were cut but otherwise would not have been would likely have been able to sue the organization for re-instatement / breach of contract due to wrongdoing. I do not think Moroz can be sued or charged with anything for cheating, but he definitely could receive lifetime bans.
  11. Yeah I was worried he was going to chew my whole swing up, but he basically told me he didn't need to. I appreciated that he found the time to give me all the positives first and then worked with me on the mechanics of an actually correct swing. He is also a 10 finger gripper so I think that helped, I have had good players try to help me before and they all force me to do the overlap and I just can't stand it. I can't get a feel for the club at all with the overlap, interlock is slightly better but totally not natural. Also turned out he was a hockey player as well so he could relay some of the points in a language I understood. I think this made it easier to understand what are the good similarities like hip, shoulder rotations and what are the bad similarities arm action, low follow through and low stance. I think I definitely lucked out and found an instructor with a lot of similarities to me and my background which was totally a luck of the draw type thing. Also definitely helps that there are a lot of crossover skills between ice hockey and golf. I can see it in my friend who just got into golf and never played any sport really in high school. Things like turning the hips and shoulders together are really hard for him but I've been used to that for a long time already.
  12. I guess my profession and my style facilitates coaching and feedback so I have no issues receiving coaching. Weird to me that people think their way is better than the millions of hours of accrued knowledge acquired by professionals. But I have unfortunately run into the type more than once. Went to the range to hit some just now and even though everything feels easier with my swing distance was slightly better. I even hit the most pure 4i shot of my life, it carried like 210 I'm amazed.
  13. I've been golfing for 15 years or so and never taken a lesson before purely self taught and not to great effect either. I come from a decent competitive background of decently high level hockey in the northeast, I worked on a course greens crew through junior/senior year of HS and through my junior year of college which is when I started playing because free rounds in the afternoon. Over the years I've been able to adopt my hockey approach enough to hit in the mid to high 90s pretty consistently. Lately I've been playing 2-3x a year at most at least 1-2 of which were scramble format, buddy of mine just started golfing (playing a lot too I think he has 40+ rounds this year) and took me out and was flabbergasted when I shot a 95 and basically told me I needed to actually try at this so now I signed up for a $50 30min lessons down the road from me. Gotta say I was nervous showing up, thinking how everything I was doing was totally wrong and that my years of "winging it" were going to be completely thrown out the window and I'd be back to square one and barely making contact. The Pro had me hit a few balls and basically told me all the things I am doing right backswing, tempo, alignment, aim etc... Then he went onto the not so good but it wasn't as much of a total shakeup as I had imagined he showed me how to correct my 10 finger grip without making me try a whole new grip, got me to stand up taller (was using a hockey stance before) and got me to work on my rotation and ball contact. Showed me the L to L drill and sent me home to work on it. Spent like a half hour hitting into my net this afternoon after the lesson and I have to say is this what golf feels like???? I actually feel like I'm golfing and I'm making much more consistent of a strike with much less effort. He said work on it for a week and then come back to see where I'm at and what I should be focusing on next. Just wanted to share, wish my luck guys and look out #89, I'm coming for you...
  14. Funny I shot a 98 yesterday granted it was only my 4th round this year but I was doing the same thing. I had a few on the practice area that made me think "hmm" so I tried a few on the course and they did not have nearly as good an outcome but I think if I practice it it could make a lot of that around the green stuff much easier and more of a "repeatable" type play. Course was pretty tricky yesterday they managed to put hazards in all the right places, I think off the tee box 3/4 of us hit the same fairway bunker at like ~250 out 2x during the round haha. Lots of water / OB in areas where if you fatted or thinned your approach shot it was just gone and you had to take the drop which is brutal for someone who shoots in the high 90's. Decided to take a lesson as my last 4 rounds have all broken 100 and gone mid to high 90's and I have only been playing 2-3 times a year and maybe getting to the range the same amount. Figured if I can hit it into the mid 90's with this level of effort I can probably break 90 with some actual effort and a few lessons. Wish me luck!
  15. Had a few close calls working on a greens crew. Most memorable was mowing aprons one day when a group pulls up onto the par 3 tee while I am finishing up, I literally have like 1.5 laps which is a max of 30-45 seconds. Wave to the group as I turn to finish my last pass and the guy must've just hopped out of his cart threw a ball on the turf and smacked it at the green. It hit off the roll bar on my tractor 5 inches from my head. So I drove off found my coworker changing cups up ahead and had him put them all just barely on the verge of legality in the hardest spot possible on the rest of the course. Hope those f***ers 3 putted the rest of the round.
  16. Was with you until I got to here I think it's a lame take and has nothing to do with age / your generation / whatever it's purely if you are an entitled person or someone with any sort of social awareness. I'm 34, most of the time I wind up frustrated on the course is behind or in-front of overly slow / inpatient older groups. The amount of time we see 4 guys smoking cigars on the green slowly lining up each others putts for 15 minutes, I haven't seen happen once with a group of 35 year olds. That said highly intoxicated groups tend to skew younger in my experience but that's whatever as long as they are generally playing and moving along. The amount of times I've been disrespected by being hit into, by going incredibly slow, to stuffing cigars into the cups and not raking traps or fixing divots by older guys both as an employee working at a golf course and as a golfer is at nearly a 10-1 ratio vs times I've had issues with people around my age or slightly younger. I agree with you though, please turn off music on the course unless it's just a drink + best ball scramble format haha.
  17. Thanks that makes sense, I kinda thought it was closing the face or something. Tried it and wound up hitting some wild pulls so I wrote it off.
  18. If it's Callaway then you probably have a combination of -1, S, +1, +2, N, D on the adjustable spacers. The standard "stock" setting would be S+N (S for standard loft which would match the degree # stamped on the clubhead, and N for neutral face) -1 takes one degree off the loft +1 and +2 add to the loft and adjust the lie slightly to compensate. D is draw favoring face which to me seems kind of gimmicky but I guess it could somewhat offset a slice / fade if your are fighting one.
  19. Ok probably one of my last updates, wound up with the Mavrik Pro in standard / standard with the Elevate 105 stiff shaft. Clubs came in from CPO I also added the Epic Speed 3 wood and the new Stroke Lab version of the Odyssey 1 (have had my old Odyssey 1 White Ice for like 13 years now so gave her an upgrade too). Of course UPS delivered the iron set to the wrong house nearly 5 streets over, luckily the nice lady that lived there came over and asked me to pick them up. Of course I had already been fighting UPS hard on this as they are 0% helpful with this stuff, glad I can just move on from that. Went to the range yesterday and it was a complete disaster, but something was massively off with me, had a few stressful things going on (job interview, club delivery situation etc...). I even managed to crown my driver like 3x in a row which I haven't done in years... So decided to sleep that off and hit the range again today with a fresh start and made sure to focus. Found myself flushing the 8-aw pretty consistently they all just felt amazing from the get go. 7 Iron is where it started to fall off a bit but I was able to work it out focusing on head position, shaft lean and ball position probably hit about 50-60% good strikes on the 7 and even the bad strikes weren't awful. Jumped down to the 5 iron and it took me a while to work it out, finally decided I would move on after 2 flush hits in a row and that took me probably 12 balls to accomplish. The 3 wood on the other hand was freaking money, profile is near identical to my old R11 3w and felt super natural from the first swing. Signed up for some lessons next week at the course down the street from me, definitely think I'll need to focus and refine my swing a good bit to actually get the most out of these irons. Got a big round at a super fancy club my buddy is a member at this Sunday, think I might leave the 4i in the bag and bring along the 3h and 4h from my Adams set if I run into a 190-210 yard par 3 or fairway shot or something. Thanks for the help guys, I'll probably update sometime down the road after I get a month of using these and lessons out of the way and see where I am at.
  20. Yes this what I mean in the marketing going crazy. "Woah I hit the 7 iron 175 yards on these clubs AMAZING!" But it's actually like a 5 iron in your old set.
  21. I don't think I'm some great ball striker but I think my iron play is the best part of my game and my driver / putting is the worst. I don't think it's crazy to have a strong part of your game. Kinda human nature too to play to your perceived strengths. I just thought it was weird when I picked up a players iron and noticed the big cavity back and moderate offset. Thought "this looks like a gi from a 9 years ago". As someone who doesn't stay up for on this stuff I was surprised to see how far the push for "SGI ultra boom sauce never miss!" Marketing had gone and how lots of GI features were prominent on this "players iron".
  22. Yeah the grass thing is part of the reason I went CPO official, just in case I wind up hating them. The lofts also played a big factor I think too a 26* 7 iron seems insane to me. But even with these I think the 4i is stronger than my current 3i haha. Will report back after some field testing.
  23. Hey guys this is a very interesting read as someone who was recently going through all of this to buy new irons. I'm not a super frequent player, when I did play a lot I was able to get under 90 a decent amount of the time. Now I am playing less but I still shoot low-mid 90s when I get out. My iron ability is definitely what keeps me in this range when comparatively my putting, chipping and tee box shots get me into a fair amount of trouble. So I guess I would have to say I'm in the 18-22 handicap range (haven't turned in enough rounds this year). I spent some time on the launch monitor before purchasing and I swung a mix of GI, SGI and Players Distance/GI irons. What immediately jumped out at me while hitting a mix of clubs was that one of the most "player" marketed sets I hit, the Mavrik Pro were by far the best for me in terms of consistency, reducing fat shots and dispersion. I found with the SGI clubs I hit way more fat shots and was more like the pull a shot way off to the left. Honestly I can't stand the look at address of the SGI and UGI irons behind the ball and I don't feel like they do much for me in terms of actual results. So my question to you guys is do you think the "Forgiving Players Irons" are sort of pushed too far towards better players in terms of what handicap they get recommended too? The guy helping me was pretty adamant that despite the clear best results coming from as he called them "blades" (I know these aren't blades) that he would still suggest I go for the SGI type club. I went back and hit the Pros again just to confirm that my numbers looked good again another day and they did so I pulled the trigger on them from CPO. To me it feels like these clubs remind me of my old A7 in feel and look in the high irons and and I still find those irons a joy to hit. But I can't help but wonder where this push for SGI on everyone above say 10 handicap has come from?
  24. Quick update. Went and hit on the launch monitor for a solid 30 minutes this morning. Hit the following clubs.. Taylormade Stealth, Taylormade P790, Callaway Mavrik and Callaway Mavrik Pro (they didn't have any mizuno's) If I had to rank them 1) Mavrik Pro 2) Stealth 3) P790 4) Mavrik Am I crazy, would Mavrik pro's be a terrible idea for me? Also I hit the Mavrik pro's the best with the best consistency. Stealth were 2nd with more fat shots and Mavrik were decent too but they look like freaking shovels.
  25. Yeah was planning on a bit of speed dating. Would AP1 be the T100 now?
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