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Monkey Wrench

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Everything posted by Monkey Wrench

  1. i would imagine just over minimum wage.
  2. someone said yesterday "as far as yall are hitting the ball, someone should make a tv show on it"
  3. sounds about some of the places ive played. thats how Tennessee seems to get sometimes! you just gotta hope each green plays somewhat a like and hope for the best!
  4. most people don't realize the effort it takes to be jacked. side note: thats one reason i admire pro bodybuilders so much, they have a crazy amazing work ethic, and have a diet that takes dedication i can't imagine. (and please no one say pro bodybuilders 'cheat' by taking steroids...would i take em? no. but when they take them, they work 100% harder.)
  5. have i hit the ball 300 yards? yes. do i average over 300 yards? not a shot
  6. i really like my taylor mades, and every other taylor made i've tried
  7. the day i play pebble beach is the day i get my pga tour card! or i stumble upon a few million dollars!
  8. opposite i do believe. farther in front the higher it goes, farther back, lower.
  9. thats an excuse i hear all to often "i don't want to get jacked' believe me, if you don't want to, and you don't push yourself 150% you are NOT going to get jacked. i don't care if you go in and do your excercises every day.
  10. last time, a pretty miserable 95. the time before that a little better 87.
  11. best shot of the week? lets see. the hole is a giant dog leg left, which you kinda start at the bottom of a hill, hit up a slight hill, take a full 90 almost and the greens down the other hill (the green is elevated though) i start the whole shanking the ball into the woods on the left, forcing myself to have to hit back out to the right (just trying to get to the top of the hill to have to be able to have a slight shot at the green) so i hit it out and get it to the top of the hill, about 190ish out. problem is, i'm behind a somewhat small evergreen (about 15 yards behind) i decided to be a little ballsy and go for it, i hit a 5 iron, tip the top of the tree, hit the fringe and roll up to about 6 feet from the pin (tough pin location far right side when the hole is kind of a pea shaped, and in front of the hole it drops off into pretty tough rough) unfortunately, i'm a bit amped up and 2 putt for bogey. but i guess that doesn't take away from the shot! some like to call it luck, i like to call it...well, luck!
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