Based on the timeline provided in the letter given to Michigan Friday, the NCAA notified the conference. The letter makes no mention that the conference had a separate investigation or that the conference had asked the NCAA to investigate. Events detailed after the call on Oct. 18th by the conference are reactionary to receiving information from the NCAA.
A. The NCAA’s Initial Call to the University and the Conference About the Scheme On October 18, the President of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (the “NCAA”), Charlie Baker, scheduled a call with me, other senior leadership from the Conference, and senior leadership from the University. During that call, the NCAA disclosed to both the Conference and the University that it had received highly credible evidence of a wide-ranging, multi-year in-person, off campus scouting scheme orchestrated by a noncoaching staff member of the University’s football program.
There were several extraordinary aspects of this call. It is rare and outside the NCAA’s typical protocols for the NCAA to disclose information about an active investigation to institutions other than the institution under investigation....
C. The NCAA Shares with the Conference the Master Spreadsheet Detailing the Extensive In-Person Sign-Stealing Activities Also on October 19, pursuant to my request to see first-hand the credible evidence in the NCAA’s possession, another senior-level Conference staff member and I participated in a videoconference with the NCAA...
Notice of Disciplinary Action Against the University of Michigan