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About this blog
The occasional random golf-related thoughts pop into my head. The blog efforts of several other TST members has inspired me to give it a try again. No one should anticipate a cohesive series of blog entries. I go where the mental winds blow.
The photo was taken at Carnoustie as I and my fellow golfers/caddies walk down the fairway. I am on the far left.
Entries in this blog
I Am Not a Mudder, Are You?
2019 Rules Changes - Observations After a Season
I Hate Scrambles
Senior Golf - Slow, Rude, Clueless & Angry
Trees (and Patience Rewarded)
Golf Balls
Driver Evolution
Looking back, I wish I had …
Indoor Golf Course - Michigan Style
The End to Sand Bagging?
The Nine Hole Conundrum
“Single Digit”
Golf Marathon
The Older We Get, The Further We Used to Hit It
The Eagle Has Landed
Playing in the Icebox
My Day on the Red Tees – My Tee It Forward Experiment
Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda
Head Covers
Wildlife Encounters
Dark Thoughts and A Ray of Sunshine

bkuehn1952 in Health