Blog Entries
By WillieT ·
Day 11 (1 Feb 25) - Easy day in the backyard, 50° wedge, Divot Board and a few regular golf balls. Been hitting this wedge heavy - used the divot board to at/just past the ball. Followed up with non-Board swings - much better contact. Will be part of the backyard sessions for some time to come. -
By Chris Brooks ·
Day 30 - just some indoor putting work during this atmospheric river that will keep me off the course for several days. Need to get some indoor putting tools. -
By Clemsonfan ·
Day 15: 2/1/25 Altered my putting a little bit more upright and went 50/51 on my 60 mm putting gates from 17”. Barely nicked the one I hit! -
By ChetlovesMer ·
Day 52: 2/1/2025 All I had time to do today was some chipping toward targets in the basement. And some gate drills on the putting mat.