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    • The general gist of it is if you stand to a ball square with your wedge - your wedge square too, then lower your hands, the clubface will point left (if you're right-handed) and if you lift your hands, then the clubface will point to the right. Similarly, if you rotate the club open, then it points to the right and if you rotate it closed, then it will point to the left. So if you rotate it open and lower your hands, then, assuming you do it the right amount, the club face will point straight. So even though the grooves are pointing to the right, the club face itself is pointing straight. Then you have an open face, presenting plenty of bounce and you don't have to swing it left and impart a bunch of side spin, which can be unpredictable. You can swing it straight and the ball will go high and straight. I am not sure that I buy into the whole steep thing in the video. Seems that you can be plenty shallow and do this too. Morikawa probably likes the feel of getting steep even if he's not actually being steep. 
    • I don't think they got this wrong. I think it's almost impossible to take a huge divot if you're using the bounce correctly. If you load up the front foot and swing steeper with the leading edge digging into the ground, you'll take a deeper divot for sure.
    • I absolutely pured this 7 iron with the tiniest bit of a push-draw. It just caught a piece of the back of the green and spun back about four feet. I'm not scoring well because I've been struggling with my irons playing longer than I'm used to and this shot is indicative of that. I was playing for 175 in the middle of the green. I'm glad I didn't hit 6 iron.
    • Wordle 1,108 5/6 ⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩 ⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩 ⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩 ⬜⬜🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
    • You can still hit steep (if you're talking about VSP for the measure of "steepness") and not dig/take a ton of sand if your low point control is precise.
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