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    • You swung faster but got a lower smash factor — more of the speed went into generating spin. You'll have to keep experimenting. The type of ball, how clean the clubface is, where you hit it exactly on the face… it all matters.
    • Any ideas why on my first screenshot I hit it in sweet spot with a neutral starting face and only got 4200 spin even checking all the boxes but the second one face was wide open and caught it a couple grooves low and got in the 5500 range? The only thing I can think of is my grooves are more worn than I think but I thought Mayo used a wedge with no grooves and got high spin? I can’t remember if face location mattered as much as AoA and dynamic loft numbers.    Some of these guys are getting 5-6000 spin on the same 15 yd shot! I’d prefer not to open the face because my own tendency is to roll my forearms on the way back, just a wierd eye thing I guess..   cheers! John
    • No question, @iacas is absolutely right.  Sometimes free relief gets you a better lie.  Look at Clarification 16.1/1, it says exactly that.  Although that applies to 16.1 and not 16.2 (dangerous animals), the concept still holds.
    • Why? I don't think so, but… people can and do successfully do a LOT of things. Pencil, claw, cross-hand, etc. I don't think it matters much in putting.      
    • I find that interesting. More so that the lead hand has more pressure than the trail hand. I think I may have lack of grip pressure in the lead hand.  It would be interesting to see the grip pressure device used on short game and putting as well. I wonder if putting flips from lead hand to trail hand being dominant in grip pressure.   
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