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About atltony

  • Birthday 11/30/1985

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    Weekend Duffer

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  • Index: 14.7
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. too close, straight up. Like everyone else said...why not club up a few clubs and actually go for the green?...its not like your set stops at 6 iron. Also, because of this, I agree that it would be hard to believe you were laying up from 140 if I was the group on the green.
  2. Fair enough...take out the word rumor/s and what I said still applies
  3. The anti-handicap formula is similar to the handicap formula: 1. Determine your worst 10 differentials. (A differential is score minus Course Rating, multiplied by 113 over course Slope Rating.) 2. Add those 10 together. 3. Multiply by .096. (A less precise method is to add your 10 worst scores and multiply by .096.) basically your handicap if you used your 10 worst scores.
  4. erm...I'm with you on Lori being overly critical of the other players, but you say you heard a rumor about her and then say she obviously hasn't made the best choices in her life. First off, you even called it a rumor...so uh...lets leave it at that. Second...what does problems with alcohol and cocaine have to do with The Big Break?, and with her being critical of others? Like I said I'm with you about Lori being a bitch, but the problems( rumors ) you mentioned don't really factor in for me.
  5. did this on a par 5 a couple months back, was my first and only also. Hooked my tee shot OB...hit my provisional down the left side as well..but took some off of it due to my last shot. Got to the provisional...215 to flag...hit it 30ft to the left but on the green...made the putt. Definitely best par of my life.
  6. I will say though as far as used pro-v1s from retail stores I've seen...target has the highest quality, hands down. I'll occasionally buy used pro-v1s from Sports Authority (Middle quality, $20-dozen), and Academy Sports (Low-Middle quality, $30-30ct.)...but the ones for $24 at target have been re-clearcoated and look pristine, and have played true.
  7. ...and my Cleveland 3 hybrid is 22degrees. Just goes to show it doesn't matter at all what number companies call a hybrid, just look at the loft.
  8. I second this...all I need is basically the head of a broken wooden tee for iron shots. Pushing the zero-friction tees all the way in the ground has to be a pain and surely makes them more susceptible to breaking due to not being able to move any in the ground when pushed all the way in.
  9. Had an inconsistent day at the range and figured it would be the best time to take my first swing videos, my thought process being if I can figure out what I'm doing wrong when I'm inconsistent it will be much easier than trying to replicate what I see when I'm in the groove. Sorry for the video quality all I had was my cellphone on me...but I think you can get a good idea. http://www.swingacademy.com/swingana...l.aspx?id=1114 http://www.swingacademy.com/swingana...l.aspx?id=1116 This is my first time taping and viewing my swing...but a few things I noticed: -Back is hunched a bit...need to straighten that out/work on posture. -I take the club back a little too far...seems that this causes it to point marginally across my target line. -My head drops a bit coming into the impact zone/downswing. Anyone got any insight?...My ball flight with my irons is usually straight/to the tiniest of draws...The shots with my 8 iron in the video tailed a bit to the right at the end of their ball-flight. I haven't had any formal golf instruction...so any comments are appreciated.
  10. Zero-friction tees, hands down. I bought a 50 pack about a year ago and still have like 35...and the missing 15 are in probably still in friends' pockets and bags. You know those friends that get to the first tee box and realize they don't have any tees?...I'll give them ONE zero-friction on the first tee box and not have them ask me for another tee for like...well...lets just say more than a few rounds (and thats probably just because they misplaced it.) In all honesty I've only broken two of these tees out of this pack in about a year's time....and that was more due to the super hard tee boxes and me accidentally bending them trying to get them in all round.
  11. +4. Seems to be working ok. But like...if you hit these moon balls all the time, what is it half a club short in comparison to?...isn't it kind of like just the distance you hit it? I'd say just accept(?) your distances as what they are...hone them to improve on your +4. and uh...if you don't hit them all the time then try to figure out what you're doing differently when they occur...maybe the ball is creeping forward?...coming down a little too steep?...
  12. I don't grip the club in the palm of my hand...the grip lays in my fingers. However, I just don't really grip the club at all with those fingers on my right hand. I do grip with my right pinky...along with all the fingers on my left hand...but that's about it.
  13. While I have no doubt become a much better golfer in the recent months/year...I have begun to notice a couple things that seem odd to me. The one issue in particular has to do with my grip, specifically my right hand. When I take my grip, and throughout the swing (to the best of my knowledge) I barely grip the club with my right ring and middle fingers. And by barely I mean basically not at all. I use an interlocking grip if that makes a difference. I just want to make sure this won't cause problems such as gripping too tightly with my left hand/fingers. Does anyone out there do this? Any insight?
  14. That's very interesting because when I am having a bad day swing-wise I will hit a few balls with as short of a backswing as possible, just accelerating through the ball. It's crazy how The ball still goes just as far and like you (sonicblue) said just feels so effortless and easy to make precise contact with the ball. Maybe I should really try to see where this imaginary point is in my backswing and really shorten my backswing to that point.
  15. I've bought a couple of the reload 30ct. bags of pro-v1s and I would say that minor scuff marks usually won't keep me from playing the ball...however a handfull of the balls I've gotten have had like raised "bumps" almost like air had gotten inbetween the cover and the boundary layer?...I wouldn't play with a ball like this...even if it wouldn't throw a putt offline I would still be thinking about the possibility while putting.
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