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Everything posted by cedrictheo

  1. @StuM I will not be able to make it this year, hope y’all enjoy yourselves!
  2. Interesting. All the different weight lifting protocols reminds me of the various swing patterns (morad, Gankas, leadbetter, etc). They all seem to work half decent if you stick with them. They all have trade offs (maybe you give up some accuracy for some speed). Luckily with weight lifting I’m not switching methodologies every 2 months… so I actually see long term results. Can’t say the same about my golf swing.
  3. Very cool, had never heard of it, thanks for the recommendation.
  4. I weight train every monday and friday. I do 1 set to failure at a controlled pace for 8 - 10 exercises. If the weight is right I hit failure between 90 and 120 seconds. I've been consistent with this for 18 months. It's hard and it only takes about 30 minutes. I have a trainer which means I have an appointment which means I actually go... every time. I also go in spurts of doing cardio work. Lately I've been walking at a 12 degree incline at 3mph. This gets me right into that zone 2 sweet spot that longevity doctors like Peter Attia recommend. I'm not as consistent with this as the strength training but I intend to get 3 thirty minute sessions every week.
  5. Yeah, the front is so demanding. I think it was after hole 10 where I turned to Erik and said… I don’t know if I could ever play even par around this track. He scoffed and said I could. Proceeded to play the back 2 under… but it didn’t feel easy.
  6. Have been messing with the low spinner on my gc3 the past week or so. I found the angle of attack part quite easy but still wasn’t getting high spin numbers. The gc3 doesn’t have the lie or the dynamic loft numbers which made it quite confusing to sort out at first. But after a few sessions I’m consistently launching the ball sub 30 with 4000 - 5000 spin. I personally needed a squarer face, a steeper backswing that goes more outside the hands, a closed stance and more shaft lean at address/impact. Clean contact feels almost guaranteed now. Not sure I’d ever have figured this shot out on my own. So thanks to Erik / Joe Mayo for leading me down this road.
  7. A couple of my favorites… Camargo was my first time playing a Seth Raynor course. Wish I had done a little more research into his different template holes beforehand. If I could join any club in the country this would be high on the list. Seems the course would never get old as there are a wide variety of holes. Unfortunately I got oddly worked up at the beginning of the round and played so poorly I didn’t enjoy the first 6 holes. Hope to play this one again sometime when my game is dialed. Tom the head pro might well be the nicest and most knowledgeable man I’ve ever come across. Southern Pines was incredible. The hole layouts are interesting. The sandy areas are pretty to look at and penal to be in. The place has a mystique to it (a bit like sweetens cove) where the whole course somehow glows with a golden hue. The new putting course is absurd. Fun to mess around with but nothing like any courses actual greens. If anyone is curious about some of the other courses let me know and I’ll give my 2 cents. Was a rather successful first trip to Pinehurst for a golf nerd like myself.
  8. The way I read it, the following underlined words imply where one should aim to lower one’s score. “If you bail out to the forgiving left half of the fairway, you’ll have a dicey approach to a shallow target between the bunker in front and a fierce runoff behind. If you find the right side of the fairway while avoiding the hillside and grove of trees to the right, you’ll have more room for error.” And it sounds like poor advice on top of it. That right side with the grove of trees sounds like a crap place to be. Doesn’t usually help the score when you have to use a stroke punching out of the trees.
  9. Unfortunately I’m not going to make it. Below is the updated list without my name: Sat. May 20th - Little Mountain @StuM @iacas @ChetlovesMer @dennyjones @boogielicious @billchao @saevel25 @bkuehn1952 @Divot Master @vasaribm @David L Yskes @Jeremie Boop @CarlSpackler @GolfLug @rwolfe @BradSomrak @DrizZzY @jtroutman @Greenshirt100 @brockman21 @Old1964 @Dwalk2088 Sun, May 21st - Location TBD @StuM @dennyjones @David L Yskes @Old1964
  10. Sure! Scott Cowx Certified (@scottcowxcertified) • Instagram reel 484 Likes, 11 Comments - Scott Cowx Certified (@scottcowxcertified) on Instagram: "One of my favourite drills demonstrated by #sccertifiedinstructor @joshlandine Swinggyde trail ar..."
  11. Heading to Erie tomorrow for some work with @iacas. Had a setback 3 weeks ago where I didn’t have time to practice for about 5 days straight. I’ve been back on the grind since. Most of my work has been mechanical sessions (often wearing the proSendr). I do 3-5 ball sets cycling through the following: ⁃ Lead knee internal rotation to start backswing ⁃ Arms in front of body p1-p4 (with occasional assist from gravity fit yellow band) ⁃ Lead knee stays internally rotated p3-p5 as I fall towards the target ⁃ Yo-yo sensation to shallow club from p4-p6 ⁃ Lead hip pushes 45 degrees away from target from p5-p9 ⁃ Left arm only drill focusing on loading left arm and then flinging it with a good pivot This has left me with a mental model of my swing that I call “Xander (somehow it looks like xander's swing in my head).” To verbalize Xander it's something like: add a little bit of right wrist hinge to set into proSendr, take arms straight back and wide and add a little shallowing move with right forearm in transition. Happy to report I have some speed that I can crank up as needed (stock swing is currently a 150 yard carry 8 iron). Also been doing some measured practice. I will hit 5 balls to targets ranging from 50-215 yards and record the median proximity to the hole for each distance. Plan to do a lot more of measured practice work as the season is coming up soon.
  12. Impressed / inspired by how much you work the feel before hitting the shot.
  13. Scott teaches the pattern to Ian here:
  14. 🙏 😊
  15. After a month or so of grinding on the pieces Erik gave me in Erie I saw improvements in my pelvis as well as my ability to get the arms higher and less pinned across my chest in the backswing. The key feels were to start the swing by moving my left knee towards my trail foot and then keep the lead knee / hip internally rotated into the downswing. I sprinkled in some fall left feeling at P4, although it became easy for me to overdo this and my hips to slide too far forward in the downswing. For the arms piece I’d do a couple rehearsals where I’d try and get the upper part of my trail arm perpendicular to the ground. I also did a drill where I’d lift the club straight up from address, rest it on my shoulders, then make my backswing turn and extend my arms out. Had an online lesson with Scott Cowx on 2/16/23. I’ve worked with him a few times this winter and this time we moved away from the “constant radius” pattern and into “elephants trunk.” Elephants trunk is based on Rory’s swing (from 2012 or so). I’m excited about this change because there’s more power potential in it and Rory’s swing is on GEARS which means we can hone in on it even next time I visit Erik in Erie. Scott noticed a large improvement in my pelvis since I last saw him. He then gave me a lead arm drill. The drill is to have the lead arm stay wide and high with very little adduction on the backswing. In tradition the lead arm adduction (narrowing the angle between the arm and chest) as it reattaches lower (below the pec) on the chest. In the downswing the pelvis puts on the “brakes” (slow down pelvis rotation) which causes the left arm to fling off the chest. To me this feels like I stop rotating and start extending the pelvis just before P5. Scott told me the timing of this pelvis “braking” will be how I control the face in elephants trunk. The swing continues to look better and better to me. Here’s a video Scott took during our zoom session.
  16. This is so good. I especially like seeing how the “ideal movements” evolve over the years and @iacas ‘s willingness to update his opinion as he gets more information. My experiences with these moves: recentering happens naturally if I shift back early. The fall is surprisingly subtle (perhaps because I have a history of thinking I should push my hips forward as much as possible throughout the entire downswing). Knee movement (especially one that leads internal hip rotation on the lead leg) is important to get the right hip movements. Reflecting on where I’ve come from (S&T) and how I see things now has me realize that phrases like “hips forward” are too one sided for them to help. I think that way of phrasing things lead me to overdo stuff. What I prefer now are ranges of acceptable movements. As an example… shift pelvis 0-2 inches back from P1-P2.
  17. Probably the most affected by going to LIV as far as world rankings go… Rory McIlory Jon Rahm Scottie Scheffler Collin Morikawa Justin Thomas Cameron Smith Max Homa Patrick Cantlay Matthew Fitzpatrick Dustin Johnson
  18. Reminds me of a Scott Cowx drill where he has students put a swingyde at 45 degrees to the club face which gives feedback on trail wrist loading. I do that drill every day... So I ordered the prosendr to see if it’s an upgrade in some way. And I am still in sticker shock about the price. Almost $200 bucks. Yikes.
  19. Got to the range today and hit balls on actual turf for the first time since the gears lesson (been stuck indoors on mats). Contact was pure. Probably my best range session ever as far as low point control. Also found it easy to ramp up speed when I wanted to. I only had an hour so I cycled through 3 ball sets working on different pieces. 1. Lead knee towards trail foot in takeaway 2. Arms more up and in front of body in backswing 3. trail side extension in backswing 4. fall left in transition while lead knee stays internal 5. trail arm down and losing flex fast from 4-6 (yo-yo feel) 6. Lead pushes 45 degrees from target line in DS 7. Stop at 6 and then pump arms back to 5 drill (combining all of the above) 8. Full speed swings
  20. I think you’re right. Likely more of a feel than a reality. Found a video of Rory’s favorite drill which is right inline with your post.
  21. Good stuff. I gained a bunch of speed with the concepts and feels around more active arms (as seen in the video of me on gears iacas posted above). Curious why coaches like Dana Dahlquist and Josh Koch are so into passive arms. I did their 150mph blueprint program and do not recall them ever talking about lowering the arms. Are they prescribing a different swing model and passive arms can actually be fast in that model? Or is it that feel isn’t real (and they are lowering their arms while thinking they aren’t)…
  22. I’m going to start with the Stack Monday. My swing got really really slow last season. However I just saw some of my highest ever ball speed numbers with a 7 iron a couple days after my time on Gears with @iacas. Will take the cues he gave me into the stack sessions.
  23. Just finished a slightly extended "Elite Session" with @iacas on Gears at the golf evolution (2.5 days instead of 2) GEARS 3D Motion Capture - Golf Evolution The first day we dove deep into some backswing pieces as my pelvis trace wasn't great. I was moving my pelvis towards the target and behind me too much which had my pelvis rotating over 60 degrees. We worked on my left hip pushing straight away from the target and my lead knee going down towards my trail foot. We coupled that with more trail side extension in the upper body. I'm glad I was able to stick with this as long as I did. At times I felt I was hitting the ball worse. Erik told me this would be the harder piece for me and it would make the downswing pieces we'd add the next day much easier. He was right. Note to future self, learning is hard... stick with it. The second day we spent the morning continuing the work on the backswing pieces above. Then in the afternoon we started to work on the "fall" in transition. We got my pelvis to dip down a bit while my torso got slightly ahead of my pelvis. Along with the fall, my left knee had to stay internally rotated longer into the downswing. Once that was in place we worked on extending my left side up and away (roughly a 45 degrees angle from the target line). This session felt a lot different than the backswing work in that I could immediately over exaggerate the moves and get "too much" of what Erik was asking me to do. Then I simply dialed them back. Also I sprinkled in some camera and mirror work. This was helpful because I won't have gears when I go home to practice but I will have my phone and a mirror. I asked Erik questions if what I was looking for was right and started to create some checkpoints for myself based on his feedback. The final morning we worked a bit more on each of the pieces from the previous day and then we did some speed work. Most of my swings the previous days were 60 to 70mph as I was over exaggerating feels and going slow to make sure I did what we were working on. Erik told me to throw that away and gave me some cues to gain speed. This was really fun. Was able to get my 7iron up to 90mph which is really fast for me. (I typically hang out between 80 and 85mph). Finally Erik recorded a 10 minute screen capture going through my swing on the Gears system and talking through each piece we worked on. I added a bit and I'm sure this will be something I go back and look over the next month or two. Before leaving I hit some more balls and recorded some swings. Best it's ever looked to me. Especially the pelvis movements. I was also launching the ball higher with better compression. Really really happy with the progress we made and excited to get to work the next couple months and ingrain what we worked on. Here's a quick video from the speed work: And a video from some of my camera work
  24. Hey! Welcome Hard to say. What are your current practice habits? Which features were you drawn to?
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