For years I have played around with shorter shafts in my Titleist drivers. Yes, I feel I have more control in hitting the center of the face. But the swingweight will be much lower, and this affects tempo.
Most drivers come in D3 swingweight. Every inch I trim costs me 5-6 swingweight points. TRimming an inch means I will end up with a C7 or C8 swingweight and for me that is still playable because I'm 66 years old and a lighter club is better for me. However, if I went down and inch and a half I would end up with a swingweight of about C4 or C5 and that is just too low. You can't feel the head, the club is too light and your tempo goes down the drain.
Titleist drivers have interchangeable weights so I fix the above problem by installing heavier weights you can purchase on line. Lead tape is another option.