So I guess no one so far lives with a Certified New England Flower Show Judge.
I do.
And since I play about 85% of my rounds with her, I can tell you it adds about one half hour to my total "Golfing Experience" for the entire day, and it starts at the parking lot and Clubhouse. I don't really care that the (
Place any Latin Term you wish here
) plant needs more Nitrogen...
I guess I probably do also!
What does that have to do with why we're loading up a golf Cart? Oh, Really they are infested with (
Place any Latin Term you wish here
) bugs? Who cares, they live out side. Yes dear, I won't get any one me...
Sweetest, Yes, you've explained to me that Plant Selection, Orientation, Presentation and possibly Mitigation (?) are all very important, but what does that have to do with our club selection??? We're both in the Fairway.... way over there!
And then, when she goes on a business trip she'll remind me that if one particular house plant starts to wilt a little bit all the others need watering too.
I'm really wanting to ask if I can use boiling water. (Just kidding!)
Well it's time to go out and cut the grass. She's got plants out side that I need to be carefull of...
"To mow, or not to mow. That is the question"...