And don't assume that everyone who are on the golf can actually hit their balls good 9 out of 10 times. Even those who have 20-30 hcp have their bad days when they shoot a lot of their balls in the trees and cant make a good pitch or putt.
I know the first week when i started playing the 18 holes i didnt want to play with others cause i thought i would hold them up, ofcourse if you miss the ball 5 times without hitting it you would hold people up but if you still do that you should still be on the drivingrange.
If you play with others just keep some things in mind:
1 hit your ball quick, meaning pick your club look at where you want to aim your ball at, most of the time it won't go that way but that doesnt matter and hit it and start walking again.
2 Don't piss of your playingpartner by saying how bad you hit that ball or ask each time what did i do wrong, you have a pro for that..
3 If you need to hit your own ball more then 3 times without reaching the ball of your playing partner just pick it up, walk with your playingpartner let him make his shot then walk again and drop the ball at the next spot where his or her ball lies. That way you can still make some shots and don't hold that person up. Same goes if you want to pitch, chip or putt. Just hit it a couple of times then pick it up.
4. Like the other person said in the thread if you hit your ball in the trees just leave it there and play a new ball, just buy some cheap lakeballs if you don't want to spent a lot of money on balls,
5. If you see people behind you just let them through but that is also something your playing partner should keep an eye on as you probably need all the time to fix on your own game.
Just have fun, everyone started the same as you so most will understand and have patience.