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b101 last won the day on April 11 2018

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About b101

  • Birthday 02/25/1988

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    Cheltenham, UK

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  • Index: 9.7
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Hi all, Bringing this thread back from the dead somewhat! Since our two kids were born, coupled with stopping being a member due to moving to a different area of the country, I've barely played golf at all in the last three and a half years. The good news is that my son (now 5) is showing an interest, so I figured I'd revive this thread, more to keep myself accountable than anything. I played a couple of nice courses recently and after a few range sessions, contact was surprisingly good and I could get the ball around alright. There's clearly a lot to work on and it'll be all the same pieces as with the evolvr lessons, and I'm really excited about getting back into it. What's great is that I still have this thread as a log of exactly what I need to do and how to fix those problems when they occur. Have to say, it was pretty cool on the first round being able to quickly self-diagnose the problem pieces (steady head being the very first) and see noticeable differences in my game as a result. Anyway, keeping myself accountable here and will try to update again with some progress relatively soon. Toying with getting a new membership in the area as well, which would certainly help for practice and incentive. Two videos below for my own reference and for a comparison later down the line - both shots ended up really well (the punch went to 6 feet and the 9 iron to 15-20), but there's soooo many pieces I want to clean up.
  2. Likewise. I know some on here (justifiably) dislike him, but I do think that his fall a couple of years back humbled him somewhat.
  3. Two closing thoughts: 1) How spoiled for Masters tournaments have we been in the last five years? We are really overdue a poor one... 2) Molinari's game feels perfectly set up for a US Open. He'll be back.
  4. In case people are interested, Tiger's post-round interview in full: A lot of painful questions in there, but the bit that will stand out to all of those who read LSW would be the amount of importance he stresses on missing in the right places - i.e. 12, 18. Throughout the interview, he comes across as very at-peace and humble - big fan of this interview. Not sure the wind got up, but I'll take this call!
  5. Unreal
  6. If he has a lead, he could just see him play 18 with a three wood. Agreed on 17... Birdie on 16 would give him a huge comfort zone.
  7. Oh no, Francesco - doesn't deserve that 😞
  8. When the storm gets here, is that us done till Monday?
  9. Dustin at -11 out of just about nowhere. Haven't seen any coverage of him.
  10. I really dislike Bubba, but that was a classy bunker shot
  11. Watch Augusta now go and plant a few more trees on that side of 11
  12. Ugh. Laptop deciding to randomly shut down and install all updates 15 minutes ago was less than ideal.
  13. That'll do!
  14. Two hours for six holes. Not good...
  15. That up and down... Wow
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