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stealthhwk last won the day on October 25 2016

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About stealthhwk

  • Birthday 12/08/1982

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    Prosper, TX

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  • Index: 18
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. stealthhwk


  2. Title says it all. Any help would be appreciated?
  3. I know Dallas National is a pretty fancy golf course in the Dallas area but I am not intimately familiar with it, so Im a little unsure of how far. Let me google it its 33 miles south of me
  4. No earthly idea. Dallas is 30 miles to my south
  5. Hi all!!! My game has transformed!!! Im driving the ball an average of 243 yards, my putting is down to an average of 33 and my short game is light years ahead of where it was! Problem is I have lost ALL ability to strike an iron. I can not and will not continue to play golf anymore if I cant get a handle on this. Upon advice from a trusted friend, I am going to see a pro for help. Problem is, Ive seen a few and have not seen much result. Looking for a reasonably priced instructor in dfw (preferably the Frisco area) who can be flexible enough to just help me with my irons problem. Don’t need a 12 pack of lessons or a swing overhaul. Just wanna play golf and irons shots are the meat and potatoes. If anyone here could recommend a good flexible pro that could help me, I would be very grateful. Again, looking in dfw area mainly the Frisco area. Thanks all...
  6. Corporate America (golf ball companies) want to see if we will all get together and pay more money for already pricey golf balls!!! Entry and mid level offerings seem to have inched up 2-3 dollars a dozen. Small increase I know, but this is how it starts. Many mid level 2 piece surlyn balls are now within a few dollars of cheapest urethane ones. That is until the golf companies read my post and then those shall rise a few bucks a dozen too and someone gets a bigger yacht! Support companies like Wilson and Lostgolfballs.com. Good companies turning a profit without robbing the rest of us blind, all while selling great performing products. Thanks to all for letting me vent end rant
  7. Hello all, Hope this is in the right place but anyways, I am thinking of moving from the dfw area to the Oklahoma city area. The neighborhoods we liked best were in Yukon so I am trying to see what the golf scene is like in the area. Definitely seems to be some courses in the area. I am looking for public courses within 20 minutes or so of Yukon. Which courses to avoid, which are nice, which are hard, you know, that kind of thing. Any body with a good lay of the land, I would really appreciate it!
  8. LOL!!! Im back up to a 24 handicap and I play like that!!! Its just that on the next hole I take an 9, then a 7, and then make a birdie. Thats golf!! As for getting back on topic, I have seen very good results with the Srixon q star Tour. They are also available in yellow which I prefer and widely available everywhere for under 30 bucks a dozen. FYI, don’t really like Srixon but the Q Star Tour is quickly changing my mind.
  9. Just got my first ever eagle! Par 5 at the trails of Frisco golf course!! Long straight drive, 205 left to the green and somehow my hybrid 4 iron rolls right up there, leaving a 15 footer downhill that somehow drops for the three! Coolest part...my dad was there to see the whole thing unfold.
  10. Stop trying to shorten your swing!!! Lol! I been going through same thing...started just trying to SWING SMOOTH instead. Less mechanical which means less thinking, and its easy to tell if your doing it right cus everyone knows smooth. As mentioned before, just cus u think your swing is shorter, doesnt mean it is. Done this last 3 weeks and it helped me transform my scores. From can’t break 100 to 92, 88, 90. Good luck!!
  11. Good idea. Can they bend it back if I decide I dont like it?
  12. 2 months ago I adjusted my driver to an upright lie angle and really began hitting the driver much much better. Does this mean my irons could use an upright lie?
  13. Headed there now! Thanks! 👍🏼
  14. Thanks @iacas. Havnt been on in a while, forgot I asked. Im gonna have to have a gander at the Vice web site. Thats good to know and those suckers come in yellow. Ill have to give those a shot!! Thanks for the help
  15. The knuckleheads at Bridgestone must have heard I switched to their ball. The e5 has been discontinued. Ive returned to the wilson 50 elite which I seem to play well with but I just havnt seen the same performance. The e5 was a two piece urethane. I could hit it high, it was soft ish and it had perfect spin for a hack like me. I love the 50 elite but really miss my e5. Would a three piece ball help or is it all about the cover? Urethane vs surlyn? Need high launch med spin. Tried gamer soft, gamer tour, 50 elite, callaway supersoft and q star tour. Q star tour just didnt fly or feel right. Gamer tour is only ball Ive ever noticed a distance difference in ( lost 12 yards on average with every club in bag?) Supersoft was too soft. Is 50 elite best I can do or is there a sleeper out there Im missing?
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