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  • Birthday 10/30/1992

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  1. I mean it seems like this is your issue, yeah? If you're already at or near a 1.5 smash factor depending on which launch monitor then you're going to have to increase your clubhead speed if you want to increase your ball speed. (Assuming your launch conditions/delivery are also near optimal which it sounds like they are) Are you actively doing any speed training programs like The Stack, Superspeed, etc?
  2. Anyone can cherry pick a green shape to fit their narrative. Now do the same thing but for this green that has an extremely sloped hill short, so good chance to roll back to the water, and mounds long that kick long shots OB. It's like a 175yd tee shot too. Or this one. Where the approach shot is from 200+ yds with a severe slope towards the water and very tightly mowed sloped runoff behind the green.
  3. But if you clubbed down then the short one is going to be even shorter (even after it rolls forward a bit) It's not like a shot that was 20yds short is going to magically roll right next to the hole man.
  4. Probably semantics but I used underestimating in the sense that there is some number that represents the lateral dispersion for mid/high handicaps and what you think that number is is probably lower than what it actually is. So I think (without any real facts) that you're underestimating the actual dispersion number which yeah I guess is overestimating their actual accuracy.
  5. I think you're underestimating the lateral accuracy of mid/high handicaps even with wedges in hand.
  6. I'd still take the first option. Knowing exactly how far your ball is going to carry every single time is huge. Plus an average dispersion of 30yds isn't that big, that's still going to result in the overwhelming majority of your shots on the green.
  7. The first choice, absolutely no doubt IMO. A 15yd dispersion is PGA Tour level with a 7 iron. you mean to tell me I'm going to hit my number within 1-2 yds AND be like 8yds left or right at the most? Yeah I'm taking that every single time. There'd be almost no excuse to miss a green honestly. A distance control of +- 10% is 40yds from 200yds out. That's not good.
  8. It's not Scottie's fault the announcers keep saying that about him, that seems like a silly reason to root for someone else IMO. I think announcers have at least somewhat of a role in giving amateur golfers unrealistic expectations for what a good shot is. They act like PGA Tour players should make every 8 foot putt and hit it inside 5 feet from 100yds when in reality they only make just over 50% of their 8 footers and tour average from 100yds is around 20 feet.
  9. I purchased this one in November of 2018 from Amazon and it has held up incredibly well considering the price point. Amazon.com But I am also starting to look for a new one now though because it gets annoying whenever I have cash because the bills get folded in half so the thickness increases quickly with just a few bills plus its a major pain when someone hands me change to try and get it back into the wallet in the correct order and folded in half properly especially if I'm carrying bags or items or something else. That part has always bugged me it's just gotten annoying enough lately to where I want something different. Edit: @iacas are you aware that there's a lifetime warranty on yours? Looks like you could get a new one for like $25
  10. As long as it's from a reputable seller it should be just fine. Just make sure the picture of the weight looks the right shaped weight for that specific driver head. You can even weigh it yourself when you get it if you want to be extra sure. Personally I don't consider $15 for something that can greatly change your impact and delivery characteristics to be "not cheap" but that's just my opinion. Especially since you know it's bringing it closer to what you were fit into and you're already saving a bunch of money by going the used/prior model year route too.
  11. I've always wondered what those wrenches were set to. I'm sure I could have looked it up but I had never remembered to look it up. Nice.
  12. There is no front weight on the GT1, only a rear weight. Do you have a wrench? You can do it yourself in under 30 seconds. If not the club wrenches are like $10 on ebay and you can use any brand wrench. You'd need the wrench to change out the weight anyway. I haven't purchase something from that specific ebay seller, but they've sold 154,000 items and have a 99.7% positive feedback so I'd say they're about as dependable as they get.
  13. Welcome to TST! First, IMO I think you would be better off saving up and waiting a bit to buy exactly what you were fit into rather than trying to guess at something different and hope it works to save a couple hundred bucks. But if you're dead set on getting something that you weren't fit into then there's some things you should consider. Stock GT1 lie angle is 59 degrees. With you being in the C4 setting that means the new effective lie angle is 58.25 and effective loft is 10.75. I would also keep in mind the head style that the GT1 is. Per Titleist it has the deepest CG in the GT lineup, and promotes high-launching and mid-spin carry. So when looking at other models, you definitely do not want an LS model, you're probably going to do better with "Max, 10k, etc" type models from other manufacturers. As far as that +6 grams, it sounds like that was done to bring the GT1 back in line with other models since the GT1 standard is a bit lighter weight than most. So I probably wouldn't worry about that too much I'm not sure what your fitter was referring to when he said that he added additional weight to the toe because on the GT 1 that is not an option as there is only one weight port and it is at the rear of the driver. The AI Smoke Max has a lie angle of 58 and you can get it in 10.5 loft. Keep in mind you can always buy a club from Callaway Pre-owned and then buy your specific shaft separately as well and try selling the shaft that came with the head for a few bucks back. TSR1 is an option as well, you can get extra weights for it too. This one is pretty much exactly what you were spec'd for but in a TSR1 not a GT1. Personally I don't think you're going to do much better than that. Also a perk of sticking with Titleist is in a year or two you could always just buy a GT1 head only and put it on that shaft since that's the right shaft model already. Titleist TSR1 TSR 1 Driver 10.0 Degrees Graphite HZRDUS 6.0 Stiff RH S-143715 SHAFT MODEL Project X HZRDUS. MODEL 2023 TSR1. The advanced technologies incorporated into this driver, including Titleist's renowned engineering, work in harmony to provide a noticeable boost in ball speed... My vote is you get that one, play it at C4, get some aftermarket weight for the back to bring it up a bit like the GT1. That's going to get you much closer to the GT1 than going with another brand.
  14. Some of the tee shot data they showed was wildly incorrect too, specifically apex height There were multiple drives that they claimed had apex heights of like 35 feet yet they still carried 300yds. I wonder if that was the apex height when it reached the screen, not the calculated apex height. I do agree that more data and even being able to hear/see which clubs the players select would be nice. They could easily do it by having someone looking in the bag and pressing a button for whichever club is missing from the player's bag as they're walking up to hit.
  15. Yeah, it started Tuesday night. I watched the first hour and a half or so of it. I enjoyed it. It was fast paced, different, entertaining, etc. I think it's a perfect thing to watch in the winter when good portions of the country are stuck inside and have nothing else to do on Monday evenings. (First week was on a Tuesday but the rest of the matches are on Mondays I believe) The whole thing ran pretty smoothly IMO. Technology seemed to work fine, and if this is the "worst" that it's going to look and feel, I'm here for it. My wife bought a Boston Common shirt last night because she likes the logo. I think Boston Common is the best logo and I'll probably pick up a hat or shirt from them as well. There isn't one team that is made up of 4 players that I like a lot, but if I had to pick a team to be a fan of, I'd pick LA or Team Jupiter, but I feel like Team Jupiter will be a fan favorite simply because of Tiger.
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