I had a similar problem where all of my shots were hooking left - what I had been doing was trying to increase my swing speed to gain some distance. The problem was that I ended up using my arms too much instead of my hips/body and I was turning over my wrists too early, resulting in a closed clubface at impact. My right arm had started to dominate the swing which made me want to rotate my right wrist at impact. A friend of mine gave me some advice, he talked about allowing the left arm/hand to control the swing, that the right arm/hand is just along for the ride. So, my advice for you is to make sure when you grip the club with your right hand that you hold it inyour fingers (middle and ring) and avoid holding it with your forefinger and thumb - that might make it less likely for you to try and rotate your right wrist early. Also, try to be less "armsy"; that is, let the rotation of your body and hips pull your shoulders, which pulls your left arm, instead of trying to muscle the club using your right arm.