I don’t know if I’ll ever totally accept my swing, but I have definitely tried to move from the “find my perfect swing” mentality to the “cleanup my current swing” mentality.
Years ago I went through a swing overhaul that took a tremendous amount of work, but was totally worth the effort. When I was done I was able to hit it longer, higher and more consistently with less effort. But I had to put in a couple of hundred hours of practice to make this happen, and my game got much worse before it got better. I was an assistant pro at the time, so I had the time - it was sort of my job. :)
At this point though I don’t have the time or inclination to overhaul anything (normal non-golf job, kids, etc.), and it doesn’t sound like you’re interested in putting in that kind of work either. What I would recommend is to try and understand what your big mistake is, and figure out what you need to do to mitigate against it.
For example, my #1 driver flaw is that I sometimes slide to the left too much on the downswing and don’t stay behind the ball, resulting in a high-right shot (aka a slice). I certainly make a lot of other mistakes, but this is the one that hurts me the most. When I do get the time to practice, this is what I primarily focus on, though I do try to chip and putt more than working on the full swing.