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About jolter1

  • Birthday 11/30/1952

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    Southern New Jersey

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  • Index: 9.2
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. A terrific actor, especially in Kelly's Hero's.
  2. A terrific US Open as rooting for all those contending on the final day.
  3. I stopped at the resort back in April and wished it was open at that time.
  4. This is one rule I am glad they modified as personally, in professional events, each player keeping their own and partner(s) score is an archaic rule especially with all the official(s) following each group.
  5. Going ot use the words of Jack and Tiger, majors determine greatness and Jack has 18 major wins with 19 runnerups. Therefore Jack.
  6. Have watched his return and so far have seen glimps of the old AK. Am hoping as time goes on he will become a bit more competitive and return to that enthusiastic person we all remember.
  7. When in doubt as to what is in front of me, I will always chip. I have always had much better results chipping with my 7, 8, or 9 iron to get the ball close or even make.
  8. I wonder, if it happens, how the PGATour feels, as per a certain GC analyst, about taking blood money from a autocratic regime.
  9. Nothing but gimmicks at this point. All this does is make the rich richer. Rory, being involved on the Advisory Committee, should be looking out for all members of the Tour, not just the elite.
  10. Retired and finally free from family responsibilities so hopefully play more rounds once this pandemic is over.
  11. jolter1


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