Being a family type guy, I go out with son in law and two grandsons regularly. I bought clubs for the left handed grandson so no problem there. The Son in law is a baseball hitter who always swings for the fence. He couldn't afford a modern driver so I scouted the local pawnshops, I found a recent Mizuno driver with an Aldila NZ shaft, nice item for $50. Well after about three rounds he tells me it isn't sounding good and the ball isn't flying very far. Uh Oh, sure enough there is a 3 inch crack on the crown at the face crown joint. Hmmm. Luckily, since I liked the way that Mizuno worked I had already bought a couple more of different lofts so I loaned him one of those. It worked well for a year and two weeks ago he snapped the shaft (Aldila) just above the hosel. His finances have improved since last year so this time he's on his own. The result is that he has learned to use eBay and picked up a new Adams 9032LS head and got a UST V2 Xstiff installed, oh and he had the Mizuno reshafted with a V2 in stiff to give back to me.
So family can use my stuff and I'll buy stuff for them, who cares, I'm in it for the memories not the equipment. And being a club ho helps too.
I will add a question to this thread, Why do you fret over the slightest mark on a new driver that will be replaced in a year or two and reject the notion of
iron protectors for clubs that you will likely keep for 5 plus years and then try to sell or trade?