I am just extremely impressed with taylormade's customer service. Here is what happened. I purchased a taylormade cart bag 2.0 from a target close out sale for 26$ last year.
Slowly the bottom of the bag started chipping. A few months ago the bottom of the bag completely broke off and my clubs would just fall right through. The broken bag sat in my closet for months and before I was about to through it out, I figured why not call and see if they would replace it.
I called and they said just bring it to any retail location and they will get it replaced. So I brought it to sports authority, they sent the bag to taylormade, and than 2 weeks later I got my replacement. I did not get the same 26$ golf bag I sent in as a replacement, instead they sent me a brand new catalina 2.0 golf bag (a MUCH nicer golf bag).
I am extremely happy with them and thought I would share my experience.