1st thing i did to improve my putting was actually devoting more time to putting. that is what alot golfers don't do enough of. there have been time this past season that i had the whole putting green to myself, while the range was packed. i divided my practice session into 2 parts, by actually putting on the putting green as a big chunk of my practice, i also made sure i practiced my putting first, b4 i hit the range
putting on the putting green first for half hour, then another half hour on the range
putt at 3', 6',9',12', at different holes on the putting green,
but i also set a goal, that is to 1 putt all 3', no worse than 2 putt on 6',9',12'
for 2011 i'm gonna change up the practice days to work on up & downs
chip/putt then range
pitch/putt then the range
putt then the range