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About this blog

I’m the PGA Director of Instruction at Lake Padden GC and these are my stories. 

Entries in this blog

2022 Junior Golf Version and Future

Saw a comment on my junior golf post from last year. So, I’ll summarize this year and what my plan is next year.  Jr Camps, once again averaged 40 kids over 4 camps. Everything has gone well there. The instructors we have brought in from the outside comment on how simple, organized and smooth it is. We changed from serving chicken and cheese taquitos to having chicken nuggets.  The kids liked that move. Next year, I need to add more targets for kids to hit into and buy a dodgeball set. We h


phillyk in Golf Coach - Junior Golf

Junior Golf

This year has been great!  A lot of work, but something I’ve needed to further my coaching career.  At my prior employment, the course was cart mandatory so junior golf was almost non existent. Now at a muni that has a great practice facility, junior golf is big.  This summer, I coached 2 13U PGA Jr League teams (24 players), ran (ongoing) 4 junior camps with around 40 kids each time, and the course held a Drive, Chip, and Putt qualifier.   Prior to the year, I completed ADM (American Devel

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