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By Daz_96 ·
The hype with the LAB Putters is something ive kept a keen eye on but i havent actually tried one... yet!! I use a SeeMore PCB and have done for around 8 years now and it was a gamechanger for me. It was the first time i had been fitted for a putter and from then ive totally bought into the fact that the technology in the putters makes a massive difference The only issue i have with LAB was that i did quiz them on Instagram what the difference between my PCB and a LAB Putter would be as the PCB from what i can find is just as balanced as the LAB Putters, however LAB couldnt tell me what the difference was and just said they didnt beleive in SeeMore Technology, but i wanted to know 'Why'!! So yeah, the tech im sure works and think if anyone hasnt gamed a putter like LAB or SeeMore where custom fitting is crucial, then you gotta give it a go!