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    • Welcome to TST, Jeremy.  And thanks for  using the Search feature, but given the age of the post you revived, you'd have been fine starting a new thread. As for the question, the Dropping Zone is part of the General Area.  If its defined as GUR, what does a player do who actually uses the DZ?  After she drops, is her ball in GUR, so she gets additional relief?  I'm afraid the coach was right.  Of course she DOES have the right to play two balls and ask for a Ruling when she finishes, but I'm afraid its just a bit of bad luck for her to end up in that divot hole.  
    • Knocked out 1 and 4 yesterday. Had a good look at 5 from about 15 feet, but just missed it on the high side. I also got an eagle on number 7 with a hole out from 177. Pretty good day!  I need 5, 13, 16, and 17 to complete it. But I am now a little worried about needing to play 18 to get those last 3, especially if I'm still missing them in, like, October.
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