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  • Posts

    • Uhhhhh… I’d bet against him hitting it 43% of the time, especially as he would be aiming away from the bunker left.
    • As I said before, "The scoring averages are going to be a little higher but is not going to make a difference on club selection."  Also remember that normally FIR is 60%, the other 40% is not always rough (hazard, bunker, trees) so in reality that 1/5 is more like 1/15 or 0.066 a hole or 15 yards.   I re-run the numbers but with the exact yards and using rough and the numbers just went up a little bit but the decision making remains the same, Driver is the best choice.  With driver (50 yards from green), from left to righ I considered left of cart path "trees/recovery" because you told us that trees left were tall so I guess if you pull it you are not going to carry them. Rigth of the car path you have 9 yards of rough, 20 yards of greenside bunker, 4 yards of rough, then the 20 yards of fairway, 3 yards of bunker (I considered 20 yards of roll so you are not going to carry the 2nd pot bunker), 18 yards of rough and finally trees/recovery. You are going to hit this fairway 43% of the times. Rough represent only 27% of your shots.  Scoring average increased from 3.78 to 3.83. At this distance theres only 0.15 difference between rough and fairway, that's why I tell you is almost negligible for strategy purposes unless rough is really penal. Here are the rest of the possibilities, also with the exact numbers and rough. Wood:     3iron: 4iron:  Average score for a PGA pro from 355 is 3.91. For an easy hole like this I guess it could be a little lower. 
    • Is there anything specific in the 81 minutes? 🙂 
    • Wordle 1,111 3/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 ⬜⬜⬜🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
    • Yes, it can. The rough is a fifth of a shot different on the PGA Tour (worth about 60+ yards of distance), and similar to a low single digit handicapper.
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