Don't know how you're doing now. I hope you are still following your dream.
Along the way there will be many who want to disillusion you, tell you that you are crazy and that it will never happen.
If you're still reading Rotella then you will know that you cannot allow any negative thinking to get a foot hold and work to destroy your confidence. Keep trying young man. Remember that life will throw curves at you along the way. The important thing is to follow your dreams. Even if you don't make it as a pro there a many, many opportunities to work and play in the golf world. Teaching Instructor comes to mind, club pro, whatever. Just don't let those who never made it for what ever reason, those who never achieved their dreams or those who are jealous derail you from what you feel is right for you.
There are many of us out here who are rooting for you. Even if you don't make it, those who wish you the best will still respect and admire you for at least trying.