So I went to GolfSmith the other day to exchange a hat for another hat. I got a nike one which by the way is awesome looking and very comfortable. On the way out I saw a box of 50 Epoch golf tees for only 6.99 so I thought why not give them a try. I asked a couple people at the store what they thought of them, and they said they were great and that a lot of people come in and buy them. I was still skeptical since I had never heard of them before. The $6.99 box comes with 40 3 1/4 inch tees and 10 1 1/2 tees. I played with them yesterday, and only used 2 tees for 9 holes. My first one broke after about 3 holes, but the second one held up for the rest of the 9 hole round.
- very durable one tee could potentially last up to 18 holes or even more
- reduces resistance when hitting the ball
- feels very nice when hitting a driver or any other club off the tee
- sharp end hence very easy to stick into the tee box
- biodegradable
- inexpensive
- they fly backwards after you hit them which is very cool
I didn't really find any cons to these tees at all besides the fact that some players may not like the look of them or changing to a tee they are not familiar with.
What do you guys think about these tees if you've ever heard of them before? Would you be willing to switch to a plastic tee to get more driver distance?