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  1. Mayakoba Update: Actual events have me standing corrected on the imagined alternative finish as suggested in the preceding post. The reduced field of the alternative scenario most definitely would have finished the 3rd and 4th rounds in one day -- a most important thing to know, if -ANY- type of change is to be made to the actual Low-65 cut rules.
  2. Mayakoba Golf Classic 36-Hole Cut .... LeaderBoard // Tee Times 1: The Actual Facts At the weather-delayed Mayakoba Classic, the PGA Tour's Low-65 Cut Rule once again stubbed its toe. Because 20 players tied for 63rd place at the cut mark of 1-under-141, and because there's no longer an MDF-78 rule to cut the field down some after 54 holes, a post 36-hole cut field of 82 players will try to finish out the tournament as best as they can by mid-day Monday.. 2: Alternative Scenario Possibilities With The Low-72/Low-54/Low-36 Cuts (refer back to post-5 in this discussion) »» At 36 holes, 82 players make the Low-72 and ties cut at 1-under-141. Then there is a 2nd cut to the Low 54 and ties at 2-under-140. The 62 players who make the Low-54 cut at 2-under-140 would play the 3rd round, while the 20 players at 1-under-141 would receive appropriate prize money and FX points. »» At 54 holes, a cut to the Low-36 and ties would have occurred, and those making the Low-36 cut would have gone on to finish the 4th round. Those player not making the Low 36 cut would have received appropriate prize money and FX points. Bottom Line -- Sunday's 3rd round would have had some flexibility in terms of tee times and groupings, because only 62 players would be competing. And then with only at least 36 players competing, Monday's final round would have ended fairly fast, weather permitting of course.
  3. 36-Hole Cut Report, Shriners-Las Vegas ... LeaderBoard // Tee Times Note: All tee times shown herein are US Pacific Time which is 3 hours behind US Eastern Time. 1: Actual Facts » Low 65 and ties: 76 players at 5-under-137 (17 players tied for 60th at 137) » 3rd round tee times (All off 1st tee, 38 two-player groups, 10-minute intervals) .. Earliest group out at 6:40 AM, final group out at 1:00 PM. 2: Alternative Possibilities » Low 72 and ties: 76 players at 5-under-137 » Low 54 and ties: 59 players at 6-under-136. The 59 players making Low 54 cut play 3rd round, while the 17 players at 5-under-137 (Low 72) receive appropriate money and FX points. » 3rd round tee times (59 players and one non-competing marker, all off 1st tee, 30 two-player groups, 10 minute intervals, a 21-minute interval between 15th and 16th groups) .. Earliest group out at 7:55 AM, final group out at 12:55 PM.
  4. True! And I realize that I should added this -- "A scenario with 80-plus players making a Low-65 cut by any means is obviously not going to occur all the time. Still, post 36-hole cut fields of 70, 75 or even 80-plus players happening on occasion remain a real possibility. And if such large weekend fields should occur often enough, and if as a result complaints arise from players and sponsors alike, then the Tour may be compelled to re-think their approach to the 36-hole cut."
  5. Another observation on the PGA Tour's Low-65 Cut -- At the 2019 Greenbrier, 68 players made the Low 65 cut, and there was a 21-way tie for 48th place in that particular tournament. Now imagine the "flip side", in a manner of speaking --- Say that at some full-field event in the near future the 36-hole cut results in 84 players playing on the weekend, mainly because there's a 21-way tie for 64th place! Only this time, there is no MDF-78 rule to use after the 3rd round, So, barring any DQ's or WD's, that means all 84 will be teeing it up on both Saturday -AND- Sunday! Back to the drawing board on that!
  6. 36-Hole Cut Report ... 2019 Sanderson Farms Classic Leaderboard Low 65 and ties .... 68 players at 3-under-141, same number that made the cut at last week's Greenbrier. One stroke outside the Low-65 cut .... 12 players at 2-under-142. Under the older Low-70 rule, this would've meant 80 players in 3rd round. Alternative Low 72 Cut ... 80 players at 2-under-140. Alternative Low 54 Cut ... 55 players at 4-under-136. The 55 would have advanced to round-3, while the other 25 would have received appropriate money and FX points.
  7. At the very least, the new cut will have only 65 players vs 70 are playing the weekend. Not much of a change, as only so many are eliminated from the weekend field. The real test of the Low-65 cut will come in 2020 when CBS and NBC are doing weekend coverage, and on occasion a tournament runs past 6:00 pm. If play does not conclude shortly after 6:00 pm. and if there is a tie which forces a sudden-death playoff, then there is the likelihood of the tournament continuing past the 7:00 pm prime time TV threshold. At that particular point TV coverage would shift over to Golf Channel. This unfortunately has been the occasional norm in recent years. Whether or not the Low-65 cut resolves this issue (if at all) remains to be seen. As for an alternative approach to the 36-hole cut, I feel that the Tour should have given consideration to having TWO 36-hole cuts instead of one. Such a "double cut" would, in my view, work like this -- the initial 36-hole cut would be to the Low 72 and ties, followed by a 2nd 36-hole cut to the Low 54 and ties. Those who make the Low 54 would advance to the 3rd and 4th rounds, while those who make the Low 72 but not the Low 54 would receive appropriate prize money and FX Cup points. NOTE: To achieve either Low 72 or Low 54 status, a player must -NOT- withdraw or incur a disqualification of any kind over the first 36 holes of play. Now, suppose a player successfully makes the Low 54 cut but then for whatever reason can not start or complete the final 36 holes of play? In such a case, and assuming -NO- occurence of a disqualification over the first 36 holes, then the status of such a player would revert from Low 54 to Low 72, and such a player would then receive the appropriate amount of prize money and FX points. Of course, the Double 36-Hole Cut would not have changed anything with the 68 players who made the cut at this week's Greenbrier. But it would have benefited the 16 players who finished tied 69th at 3-under-137, as they would have all received appropriate prize money and FX points. If the PGA Tour was -REALLY- serious about tournaments finishing earlier on Sunday, especially when CBS or NBC are doing the TV, then in addition to the 36-hole Double Cut, perhaps they should do another cut after 54 holes. The 54-hole cut would would be to the Low 36 and ties, and the rules who be the same as for those for Low 72 and Low 54. If a player makes the Low 36 and ties after 54 holes, then they advance to the 4th round. Those not making the Low 36 will receive appropriate prize money and FX points. Also, those making the Low 36 but not able to start or finish the 4th round will have their status to that of Low 54. A Low 36 and ties cut for the 4th round would allow for more flexible tee times, and for an earlier starting time off the 1st tee for the final group (the 54-hole leaders).
  8. The 2019-20 season has arrived, and so has the Low 65 and Ties Cut. Current Greenbrier Leaderboard 68 players made the cut at 4-under-136. There was a 21-way tie for 48th place (136/-4). 16 players were tied for 69th at 3-under-137, one stroke outside the Low 65 Among those two strokes outside the cut at 2-under-138 were Bryson DeChambeau, Zach Johnson and Ryan Armour. If anyone has not yet seen the new 65-place prize money distribution, here's three sources ... (1) 2019 Greenbrier Tie Table (PDF) -- Divide leftmost dollar figures by 1.5 for the base default amounts (2) 2019-20 Players Rules and Regulations Handbook (PDF) -- page 55. Ignore the dollar figures shown. You must use the percentage figures to determine individual place prizes. (3) The Talk Page for 2020 PGA Tour at Wikipedia -- Some examples presented
  9. @Shindig Respectfully, I take a differing view -- If MDF-78 was the PGA Tour's way of handling large post 36-hole cuts, then the Tour misfired badly because you sometimes still had 3rd round fields of 80-or-more players. If the tournament had to deal with lengthy weather delays, then that meant additional issues such as the dreaded 36-hole final day, and no re-pairing of groups between the 3rd and 4th rounds. Another issue with MDF-78 -- why cut down the field to only the Low-70 and ties after 54 holes and not to Low-60, Low-50 or even Low-40, especially in recent years where 4th rounds frequently spill well over normal sign-off times?? If a 4th round goes well past 6:00pm for any reason, and then is not over by 7:00pm, TV coverage is shifted over from CBS or NBC to the Golf Channel. And there's that rare occasion when a 4th round doesn't finish until Monday, where play is also covered by Golf Channel. Does the Tour just not care about these kinds of scenarios? . The Low-65 cut rule is going to reduce the weekend fields only so much, and if 4th round play still goes on seeming forever, then nothing is solved. The Low-65 cut rule plus the re-composition of the prize money structure to allow for a 20% 1st prize is likely to mean lesser rewards even for those who finish 72 holes near the bottom of the pack. Also, five-or-more less players will be able to share the spoils because they'll be gone after 36 holes. Some would say that's the way in should be. OK, fine. But does it necessarily have to be that way? I am in favor of an initial 36-hole cut to the Low 72 players and ties. To be sure, that's likely to result in a larger post 36-hole field, but not all of those 72-plus players would advance to round-3. There would be a 2nd 36-hole cut, this one to the Low 54 players and ties, and all who make that particular cut would play the 3rd round. Those who make the Low 72 but not the Low 54 would still receive appropriate money and points shares. Two concerns resolved here -- (1) Even if they don't advance beyond 36 holes, more players get to share a little bit of the spoils; and (2) the 3rd round field is a lot less crowded, allowing for more flexible tee times and -- barring any delays -- two-player groups. OK, so we've handled the 3rd round, now what about the 4th and final round? Well, here I propose something that many would likely find quite radical, while some others might find favor with -- a 54-hole cut to the Low 36 players and ties. Those who make the 54-hole cut would advance to the 4th round, while those who miss the 54-hole cut would receive appropriate money and points shares. With only 36-plus players competing in Sunday's final round, the tee times scenarios can be even more flexible, but whenever possible the last twosome of the day should be hitting off of tee #1 at 1:20 pm ET (or within plus/minus two minutes of it). With a 54-hole cut, a smaller 4th round field and more ideal tee times, conclusion of a 4th round prior to a network's normal sign-off time is more likely, Also, there would be extra time available for when a 4th round goes past 6:00pm or even 7:00pm, if it ever gets that far. I'll stop here and allow for appropriate feedback. Later on, I'll return with some thoughts on prize money.
  10. As most folks may now be learning, the PGA Tour membership has approved a policy change effective with the 2019-20 season. The 36-hole cut mark of Low-70 and ties will be reduced down to the Low-65 and ties. Additionally, the MDF Low-78 policy will be done away with. MDF Low-78 was in effect if more than 78 players made the 36-hole cut and played the 3rd round. After 54 holes, the MDF Low-78 policy called for those not among the Low-70 and ties to be excluded from the 4th round field, and yet they would still receive appropriate shares of money and Fed Ex points. The PGA Tour also stated that starting field size for events opposite the British Open or a World Golf Championship will be reduced from 132 to 120 for 2019-20 and beyond. However, those events will have the right to include up to (I am assuming) 12 extra players from the Korn Ferry (formerly WEB-dot-Com) Tour. One item not confirmed or discussed (so far) is the possible re-arrangement of the PGA Tour's 70-place prize money distribution formula, used since the 1979 season, to allow for 1st prize to be 20% of the purse, instead of the current 18%. Even with the change of the money distribution formula from 70 places to 65, achieving a first prize of 20% will require significant changes to the payouts for several individual places. And while the Tour has not yet announced a new 65-place distribution formula, I have constructed a "guess-timation" 65-place formula which may be pretty close to what is to be offered. Both the current 70-place, 18%-1st formula and my guess-timated 65-place, 20%-1st place formula are presented below for your reference. ..... . ..... ...
  11. On Wednesday June 19 2019, the PGA Tour announced that the Los Angeles-based consulting firm of Korn Ferry has become the new sponsor of the PGA Tour's Developmental Tour (prior names -- Hogan, Nike, Nationwide). »» Details From PGATOUR-dot-Com ««
  12. To Turtleback ... I am not opposed to the rewarding of players based on their finishes in any given event. The player who finishes first gets an appropriate reward for that finish and so does the last place finisher and all in-between. And, as in any sports event, the winner (as well as anyone finishing among the Top 5, 10 or 25) will always be the one that successfully executes on a consistent basis as well as when it matters the most. My main argument here is that some level of fairness for the benefit of all finishers be maintained. The winner would still get the lion's share, and the rest would get what they each deserve. But the difference between first and last place should not be so much that it becomes competitively unfair, which the current Fed Ex Cup Points set-up is in my view. On the Top 125 Money Winner standard, I've always thought that it allowed too much "deadwood" to stay afloat for much too long. Trimming the threshold to the Top 80 or 90 would be appropriate, but those numbers may not sit well with the tour players. I also advocate a trimming of the WEB.COM exemptees from 50 to 40, which again may not sit well with the membership. A reduction of both money leader and WEB.COM exemptions might justify reducing full starting field sizes to, say, 120 players, vs 132, 144 or 156.
  13. RE - MDF ..... No matter many players make the Low 70-and-ties cut, only one is going to win, and then the rest finish accordingly, My belief is that there should be two cuts, the first at 36 holes to the Low 70-and-ties, and then the second at 54 holes to the Low 40-and-ties. Those not making the 54-hole cut would receive appropriate money and points. Also, those who do make the 54-hole cut but (for whatever reason) do not complete their 4th rounds will be treated as if they too did not make the 54-hole cut, and let them receive appropriate rewards. A smaller 4th round field (at least 40 to, say, 56 players playing twosomes) would enjoy tee times more flexibly spaced between groups. The final twosome would go off at around 1:20pm ET, or about 30-40 minutes earlier than current practice. This would allow for a not-so-harried conclusion and proper TV sign-off. Also, in the event of a playoff the extra minutes gained with the 54-hole Low 40 cut would allow the TV network (CBS or NBC) to stay with the action longer and perhaps avoid shifting coverage over to Golf Channel at the 7:00pm ET "Zero Hour". RE - PGA Tour's Proposed Low-65 Cut ... When I see words to the effect saying that the top money prize would go from 18 percent of the purse to 20 percent, I am concerned about what tinkering the PGA Tour may do with the lowest place prizes. Currently, the difference ratio between the 1st place ($ 900,000 in a $ 5 million event) and 70th place ($ 10,000) prizes is 90-to-1 in regular PGA Tour events (excluding WGC's and majors). This was an improvement over the PGA Tour's 20-percent distribution method of the 1970s, when the difference ratio between 1st place ($ 40,000 in a $ 200,000 event) and 70th place ($ 300) was 133.33-to-1. In the first two years of the Fed Ex Cup, 2007 and 2008, the points distribution method mirrored that for money. Then in 2009, the points distribution method was changed (perverted, in my not-so-humble view) to a non-standard method. Further adjustments (more perversion) occurred later on, so that now the points distribution math works this way -- For regular PGA Tour events offering "full-point allocation". the difference ratio between 1st place (500 pts) and 70th place (3 pts) is 166.66-to-1; for WGC's, where 1st awards 550 pts and 70th awards 3.40 pts, the difference ratio is 161.76-to-1; for the Majors and the Players, where 1st awards 600 pts and 70th awards 3.40 points (the 21st thru 70th place points for WGCs, Majors and Players are the same !!!), the difference ratio is 176.47-to-1. So, I am dreading the "gross perversion" of the prize money distribution that may result should the Low-65 proposal be adopted.
  14. Actually, it would be the 2nd post post-WW1 and WW2 three-peat, after Peter Thomson's three Open Championships in 1954, 1955 and 1956. Three of Willie Anderson's four US Opens came consecutively -- 1903, 1904 and 1905. Other "3-Peat" Open Championship winners -- Jamie Anderson (1877, 1878, 1879) and Bob Ferguson (1880, 1881, 1882). Tom Morris Jr. won three consecutive Open Championships in 1868, 1869 and 1870. The tournament was not played in 1871, but resumed in 1872 when Morris Jr, won again. Walter Hagen won four consecutive PGA Championships in four consecutive years (1924, 1925, 1926 and 1927) -- the only player ever to win any major in this particular fashion.
  15. Thank You! BTW --- WRBL does have a METV sub-channel where the CBS feed could have been placed unblemished, but they didn't think of that option! Folks are racing a little hell on their Facebook page.
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