I feel your pain Tuffluck, Consistency frustrates me as well. One day I hit the driver well the next its the irons. If only I could hit them all well on the same day. Ive been there also, wanting to quit the game after a bad day. Fortunately for me my playing partners are all much better than I am and are very encouraging. I know this is well worn advice, but what they have taught me is to take something positive away from the game each time you play. It could be a shot, a putt, a good joke.etc, just something that puts you in a relaxed frame of mind. Ive found when I play with a relaxed carefree attitude. I play much better. Don't get me wrong, I still focus but when I'm relaxed I can focus on the right things like hitting the little ball before the big one.
Don't get caught up on the score. Focus on one good shot, then one good hole, and build from there.
Don't give up Tuffluck Golf is the greatest game out there.
Enjoy it. Relax and have fun.