Wednesday evening @ my home course = Ladies league... I can tee off on 10 (walking) as the last group goes off 1 and I still catch the gals around 5 or 6. Good thing about it is its a bunch or rich old broads who really dont give a damn so if they hit one off the fairway they say screw it and hit another never getting the original ball. Free golf balls for me playing up behind them almost makes up for the slow play... almost.
The old guys that play out there, on the other hand, are a hoot. We had a mens association event this morning and I was the youngest im my group by a good 30 years (im 28). They constantly crack on each other, flirt with the cart girls, try to get me dates with the cart girls (they failed) and while they cant hit the ball very far you get them on the green there is a 75% chance the ball is going the hole. Old guys can putt. They are old salesmen and when on trips back in the day they spent their free time dropping dimes around their hotel rooms and trying to stop the ball on the dimes. All the older guys I get paired with are just about the same out there.