This is a good post. Feel and mechanics really go hand in hand. I consider myself a feel player, but I have considerable knowledge relating to the physics and mechanics of the golf swing. Therefore, I can analyze my swing (videos) and get into ideal positions since I understand what they are, and then that's where feel kicks in and I feel what it's like to be in that position and swing a certain way.
As for my short game with a wedge, that's probably where I am the least mechanical. I experiment to try and hit different shots producing different results that sometimes leave my friends and even myself wondering, "How did he/I do that?". I have videoed some things I have done with a wedge, and the swing and/or grip aren't close to what you'd call mechanical. I love using my 60* wedge and pretty much use it for everything 90 yards and in. One day I was hitting low, knee high, punch-type shots, when practicing chipping, with a lot of spin that would stop pretty quickly. I wasn't trying to do it; my swing that day just produced it. I haven't been able to do it since then. :(