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Silent last won the day on September 27 2014

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About Silent

  • Birthday 01/10/1983

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    Zaltbommel, The Netherlands

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  • Index: 22.3
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Silent


  2. Legend _O_
  3. Silent

    Joost Luiten

    He will be playing Oman to defend his title.
  4. Silent

    Joost Luiten

    Still here occasionally, just pretty busy nowadays. But yes, he's playing very well coming back after half a season being injured. Because of that he qualified for the WGC Mexico Championship. Good to see him back on that level so quickly.
  5. Interesting discussion. In my opinion, if Garcia and Stenson lost their matches, Bjorn would be called a bad captain for making ridiculous picks (players not in form, back from injury etc.). But surprise surprise, Garcia played very well and honestly much better than expected looking at how he played this entire season. Does that make Bjorn a great captain, or does it make him a (slightly) lucky one?
  6. Yea... agree. At first glance I look at the pants. USA in white, Euro in dark.
  7. Silent

    Joost Luiten

    Luiten will be operated, and unable to play for at least the rest of this season...
  8. Silent

    Joost Luiten

    Unfort. Luiten his wrist injury, which cost him 1-2 seasons in the past, is back. He didn't play in any tournaments for 2 months now, and today made public he can't say when he will be back and there will be further investigation in the hospital next week. This must be extremely devastating for him, hopefully there will be full recovery in the future...
  9. Silent

    Joost Luiten

    Crap, Luiten withdraws form the Match Play Championship due to an wrist injury :(
  10. Silent

    Joost Luiten

    Even though just outside the top 64 on the OWGR, Joost is confirmed for the WGC Dell Match Play championship. Very cool, looking forward to it!
  11. Silent

    Joost Luiten

    Right now not playing; two young boys at home, third on its way, promotion at work and just moved to a new house and city a couple of months ago. Hard to find the time....
  12. Silent

    Joost Luiten

    Luiten scores -16 (-4 final round) in Oman to win his 6th European Tour event. Great performance.
  13. Silent

    Joost Luiten

    Finally again a (really) good tournament from Joost. Battling for victory until the final hole, coming up one shot short against Garcia to get a second place. Which raises him right back into the top 100 of the OWGR. Hopefully a good finish of the season in The Final Series, good points and money to earn there.
  14. Not much happening? Because the court works in slow motion.... The motion for a new trial including a load of documents with 'proof' of planted evidence has been filed months ago already. For now the only thing to do is wait for the court. Also two higher courts judged Dassey has to be released, (last one already 3 months ago) but the appeals from the state take ages. Btw I can read all her Twitter, including the links to massive pdf's which claim to tackle a lot of the 'evidence' as presented in court. She did 'expose all the stuff', there's just no way for me (and you) to really judge how solid that proof is. It's in the hand of the appeal court now, and they take and need their time to rule on the motion......
  15. Silent

    Alex Noren

    Still here, just have been very busy the last few months (my second son was born, and we bought a new house and just moving in now). OT: Alex Noren has been playing very good in the last 1,5 year or so. Couple of victories and some other good results in big tournaments. Very impressive play, unlike *cough* Luiten this year.
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