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Everything posted by Rynrem

  1. Rynrem


  2. I try to aim four inches in front of the ball and get my hands to that point....I just end up hitting 2 inches further behind the ball. So I don't even try anymore
  3. I love match play...I just wish they could find a way to implement it into the FedEx cup...maybe when they get down to 32 players go to the match play format
  4. Welcome to TST...its been very helpful and entertaining for me
  5. Shot tracer is nice....but I think if were on almost every shot, it would be liked the failed NHL puck tracer deal. Personally, I like to see the swing, then the close up of the players facial expression and hear them talk to their ball. I can usually tell a lot about where the ball is going based on these things...but that's just me. They can always show a replay of the shot with shot tracer.
  6. I actually thought about starting a similar thread. I didn't read all of yours...sorry it is long. Anyway, I am extremely frustrated now myself. I am 2 clubs shorter in distance. I can no longer hit an iron above a Gap Wedge....the rest of them just S# @^k off the club or are so fat, the divot flies further than the ball. The more I try to implement some 5SK stuff...the worse I get. I don't know what to do except to keep working....or quit. I love golf and don't want to quit but its not much fun right now. Good luck to you
  7. Not sure...they kind of looked like the adidas version of the ones Ernie and Freddie wear. Probably something new that is not yet released to the public.
  8. After the celebration with family, Jordan's dad told him to go back out there and give the patrons a thank you round of applause. That's raising a youngin' up right...right there. Then, as he walked toward the scorers room, did you see his mom get a little chippy with him? I think she said, Jordan, come on you have to sign your scorecard"...or something to that effect. That just made me realize that he is only 21 and as mature as he seems, mamma still sees him as her little boy and feels she needs to be heavily involved in his life. Just 4 years ago he was still in High School...wow....congrats Jordan!
  9. I would like to see Spieth win. He looked like the gravity of the situation got to him a little yesterday, but his par on 18 was big. I wouldn't like to see rose win. it's not that I dislike him, he just doesn't do anything for me. Anyone else who is within string distance would be fine with me. I just hope there is some drama coming down the stretch but that the rest of the field gets Spiethed on
  10. Rynrem

    Free Golf

    I sometimes get free golf...not nearly enough however. It usually is in the form of a company outing/tournament or I get to expense my round when I take a customer to play. And, on rare occasions, my friends will pick up my green fees. Good luck on your round! What type of performances do you do?
  11. Thanks. I will start there first
  12. Great...Thanks. Any glaring issues you see that I could work on to be better in the 5SKs?
  13. I found it by searching for various training aids or instruction videos. TST kept coming up with reviews of the products I was searching for....so here I am
  14. I guess my question is...would this be an appropriate video to put on evolvr, or do I need better quality/slowmo etc? thanks
  15. Just got back from Palm Desert. I wish I would have played the Classic club instead of Indian Wells. I liked Shadow Ridge a lot though. I enjoyed the Coachella Valley Brewery products. Good Look in the Open qualifier.
  16. Thanks for the heads up on that....I believe its fixed now
  17. Just got back from vacation in SoCal....84 at Indian Wells and 81 at Shadow Ridge. I didn't strike the ball very well but scored decent....that's usually how it goes for me, the opposite holding true as well.
  18. I finally was able to get a swing up. Probably not the best video as it was taken with an IPhone by my 9 year old daughter, but I wanted to put myself out there. This is an 8I in my backyard...hitting at my neighbors house. I have seemed to have lost some distance but gained some accuracy trying to copy the 5SK. When I really concentrate on weight forward, I hit fat shots almost all the time...and I hate it I've been Playing Golf for: 17 yrs My current handicap index or average score is: 10.8...up a few points since trying to change to a proper swing My typical ball flight is: fade The shot I hate or the "miss" I'm trying to reduce/eliminate is: Fat/pull hook/weak slice Videos:
  19. Not to brag or anything but http://thesandtrap.com/t/80380/2015-the-honda-classic-discussion-thread/36#post_1109733
  20. I don't think I like the feel after dancing around the living room while trying it. For me, it felt a little like I was moving away from the target and couldn't feel a good sequence between body and arms. I like the thought/feel of banking my back foot instead of turning it clockwise.
  21. I can't understand the dude...seriously tho...I like the concept but haven't tried it yet
  22. I use the exact same mark on my ball
  23. I took the over/under drill to the range. It messed me big time. I couldn't get the ball off the ground, the few times that I actually did, it was a S# @^k . It took a lot of work just to g et it my swing back to where I could hit a playable ball. Not sure if I will keep trying it or not at this point
  24. I bought it to help my 9 year old daughter, who is just beginning to learn the game, understand proper wrist configurations...instead of learning the wrong way off the bat. She is using it to learn the chipping motion. She is making solid contact on little chips and pitches. I have been doing the "over/under" drill to help me obtain a flat left wrist. So far, it has helped me in lose the cup in my left wrist by cocking them more in the back swing. I am also getting to impact with a flat left wrist. This drill gives me the feeling of looping the club down and coming from the inside. I feel that I must look like Jim Furyk while swinging with it...but I'm sure I just look normal. I have only hit foam balls in the back yard, but I can tell that I am getting better contact. So far, I would say that it is a useful training aid.
  25. Thanks. I'm in a bad way now. I just got back from the range. I got my towards work out...to an extent, but I have no distance now. Funny you mention the flip, as that could be the cause, even though I am working on weight forward and left wrist flat at impact. I'm still heading to your side of the country next week. We will be in Palm Desert next Sunday. I hate to take this swing to those courses...but I will.
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