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About Nickynoodles

  • Birthday 11/30/1982

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Your Golf Game

  • Index: 6.3
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. Im very good at the low burner from under trees so that wouldnt be in my top 5. 1. Severe downhill lie in the roung. 2. Plugged bunker shot from fairway bunker. 3. 20-40 yard flop over trees. 4. Plugged greenside bunker in the lip 5. Over hazard to close side pin.
  2. Aint no deals like a Shotly deal. Shotly.com added to the Sig, liked on facebook also! You guys rock.
  3. I knew there had to be someone else out there that's went through the same problem I was hoping to find a drill or something someone has used to fix it. I played 18 today and had zero confidence after hitting about 50 balls all irons on the range. Hit the first 5 SW shots great then as soon as I thought I had it boom going right. I started taking L to L swings with my feet together working on turning my hands over. Hit roughly 50% of em pushed out to the right worse with my longer irons. I said at the first tee this is going to be a rough round. Only to my surprise my first to last iron shot on the course was dead where I aimed with the exception of a 193 yard par 3 I pushed a 5 iron about 10-15 yards right. My problem today was I sliced every drive except 2. I was 2/14 fairways hit. I guess it's back to the range tomorrow. Now it's driver again
  4. I have a theory as to what is going on here but would like to hear what you guys think and also any tips for the range you may have. ( please exude any spelling errors I'm on my cell phone at work). So I had a dymo 2 str8 fit regular shaft 10.5 loft. ( anniversary present) my driver swing speed is 106-111 but I learned how to hit it with ease. My irons have always been deadly. Extremely accurate and I bomb them. 140-143 PW and 6/9 yards on each iron up. Well I had some extra money and wanted to be fitted for a new driver. It's was Nike vr pro 9.5 stiff. So went from 10.5-9.5 regular to stiff and square to round head. My first round with it was ugly. 100-150 yard snap hooks left right off the tee. After 3 rounds and a range session I am bombing this thing down the heart but now my irons are gone. 20-30 yard pushes right and even some shanks right and some slices( i hit a natural draw). This is totally outrageous and killing me. Even my 60 and 56 and therey money clubs. Now my theory is trying to straighten out the nasty hook with the new driver it's causing me to be less Agressive with my hands causing in open face I already know I come a little inside hence the natural draw but I feel I'm taking my same iron swing as before. What do you think and do you have any drills I can use at the range today? Ive come to know that you can pretty much spray your drives all over the place as long as your irons are great you can shoot 70s low 80s but when your irons are all over the place it doesnt matter if every drives down the middle your scores going to suffer Got a tournament Monday thank you for any help
  5. Just read a article on Comcast homepage that stated Tiger Woods is leaving sex addiction rehab where he could not practice Golf and practice for a return to the Accenture match play championship in 2 weeks. I was a little skeptical at first but i did a search on Google and found many websites and articles also stating the same thing. I my self feel that he needs to come back for the sake of himself and Golf as a sport. I have missed him and im sure alot of other people who are fans of Tiger have missed him also. Im not sure how good he will play but this will help him get back on track if he wants to catch and pass Nicklaus.
  6. God this is a tough one. It all really has to do with the courses you play, your confidence level in the said club and what other clubs you have to replace it. I love my 60. I use it when im short and got to fly a bunker to a close pin. Alot of the course around where i live the greens are elevated with bunkers all around the front. So when your around the bunkers the 60 comes in hand. I use my SW alot to. My wedges are my best friend. I also have mastered the art of the flop shot, the backspin shot and the bump in run. It depends on you yourself. Noone can really tell you what to play with. Mickelson played with 2 drivers in his bag before.
  7. I would start with posture. If i knew how to work a video editor i would show you the difference in my posture over the last year. The easiest way to fix it is infront of a mirror. You want to stick your buttocks out and up in the air and straighten your spine so that your back is flat. Bend your knees infront of a mirror and do this and you will notice a huge difference. You will not see anyone on tour and any good golfer of that matter with a slouched back and horrible posture. That would be the main thing i would work on first.
  8. My 2 cents. I would never walk in there with a plan. You dont walk in a start saying this is what i want to do or this is what i want to start with. The teacher is a PGA pro and he is going to know what you need help with after seeing your swing. I personally never even heard of starting off with putting and chipping like the other guy said. Whats best to do and whats most likely going to happen is your going to walk in there. He or she is going to tell you to warm up for 5-10 minutes. There going to come in after your warm and tell you to hit a couple 6-7 irons shots and watch you. After you hit a few balls hes going to either tell you whats going on with your swing or show you via video. You want to be completely honest. Tell him your problems, your mis hits, your goals and the shots you find difficult. Listen to everything he or she says. Now that you've done some talking, make sure that you let the pro reciprocate. After the pro has evaluated both you and your swing, he or she will be able to give you feedback on where you should go from there. So keep listening. In fact, take notes if you have to. Dont rate your success or failure of a lesson in how many balls you hit. You can hit very few shots and have a very productive lesson. An instructor may have you repeat a certain swing in an attempt to develop a swing thought, or feel. You will notice when the suggested change is becoming more effective. Let the professional tell you when to hit and what club to use. Another thing is never hit a ball while the instructor is talking to you. You want to be all eyes and ears. Its a big no-no to sit there practice swinging and hitting balls while there telling you something. Your going to have doubts too. Your going to be changing things like your stance, posture, grip ect. and not feel comfortable but you have to stick with it. It will get better believe me. Your going to be changing for the better not worse. Last but not least after your lesson ask questions. He or she should tell you what to practice on in between lessons but make sure you also ask questions, no question is a stupid question. They have heard them all and yours is no different. You pay them good money and you want to get everything you can out of them. Good Luck man and dont get discouraged. Keep it at and it will pay off in the end.
  9. Hard to see your swing plane with the camera so low. The only swing you can see is the one staright on. I would try setting the camera back a little farther so we can see the full swing not just the ball being hit. In the face on is your right elbow going out like a baseball swing. A.K.A Chicken wing? Its hard to tell but thats what it looks like. Need to see a camera angle from behind full swing.
  10. Your swing plane looks good and so does your CHS. I see what your saying about the lower body. Your lacking the hip rotation in the start of your backswing. Thats a wierd loooking little place your in hitting balls. I would love to have something like that around here. We have a few outdoor ranges and 1 indoors about 20 miles away. They got greens and real sand bunkers there and you can play 18 in the simulator but its just to expensive. Good looking swing and keep up the good work. Nice blog.
  11. Will we still get the points from what is done today?? I have Matt Kuchar just killing it and jumped to co leader. I benched Weir and started Kuchar. I also got 2 other guys in the top 10 so im hoping these stats count
  12. Yea i jumped from like 25th to 7th with this tournament. Hey quick question. Whats the deal with me trying to set my line up for the final day today yet it says Farmers Insurance and is telling me i have a couple guys not starting and to select a new roster. I sent them an email. They need to fix it asap. We got the final day today and i have 3 guys in the top 10.
  13. First thing noone mentioned but was the very first thing i seen in your swing is you take the club inside on the backswing. On your backswing you are not in the zone. Your coming inside then when you get to the top your making a over the top move and then your downswing is coming through the zone. You want to take the club back on the same plane as your down swing. The way it goes back is the exact way you want it to go down. You lose alot of of distance and accuracy doing this. When you take the club back on the proper plane, drop your hands and then downswing. The move at the top to get back on plane is going to make you hit incosistant shots and lose power. If i hand you a 20lb bag and tell you to throw it as far as you can, your going to swing it back and to the top and right down and forward. You wouldnt swing it around your hips, then up then over and back down. The best drill for that is to put a chair or anything on a slant behind you and take practice swings. So if you go to take the club inside you will hit it. It will train your arms to go back and down on the same plane to avoid hitting it. The rest are easy things to fix. Your posture. You can just stand infront of a mirror. You will never see any good golfer bent over with a slouched back. You want to bend the knees a little bit, stick your butt out and up and straighten your spine. Also your hip rotation. Your starting your backswing and your downswing with your arms and not your hips. You want to turn your back right pocket back "Right Hip" to start your backswing and then your arms follow. When you get to the top you want to drive your lower body forward and then your arms will follow. You want everything to look fluid and effortless. Last but not least you look a little off balance. Heres a website with some drills for tempo and balance. http://golf.about.com/od/golftips/a/balance_drills.htm Hopefully this helps and good luck with improving your golf game. May all your balls fly far and straight.
  14. Yea my club looks exactly like / when im waist high on the follow through and i hit the ball dead straight, if i miss hit it will fade right but not bad maybe 5-10 yards at the most. The pro's who i talk to and swing with are the ones telling me that its bad and it should be like the 2nd one straight up and maybe even a little more closed. Im having a huge problem with it because im trying to explain to them that the way it is like / is hitting it straight. They dont want to hear that. So im going back Friday and going to fool around and hit some balls with John who is a pro around here and tell him i have been practicing with his roll the forearms and club face straight and im hitting hooks. Nothing worse then paying $ and getting negative results. Not saying what he is saying is wrong because i ahve watched some videos of great golfers who do do that and are great golfers. For some reason its not working for me tho. I like the way it feels and the way the ball flies with the club face at / rather then closed or straight up. Im trying to get better ball striking with my irons thats why i have been talking to him so maybe i just have to stick with it a couple more weeks and it will work. I dont know. What do you think?
  15. When my club is at my waist line on the backswing my toe is up, then after my full backswing and i hit the ball if you pause the slow speed camera when its at my waist line after i hit the ball the toe is a little open and not pointing straight up. I had numerous talks with 3 different pros and they all tried to get me to roll my right forearm over to where you couldnt see my glove on my left hand to where my arms made and X and my toe was up at my waist line on the follow through. I found this very uncomfortable on my follow through and it has a tendency to make me hit hooks. When i swing the origanal way and my toe is a little open i hit the ball straight. Maybe once in a while hit a fade but not much. I dont understand why everytime i see a pro and hit balls thats the only thing i am told is wrong with my swing. This is and exact quote from the last pro i have seen. " You have a great swing, your backswing stays on plane, your downswing is right in the strike zone and you have alot of power. The only thing you need to work on if you want to get a little better ball striking is put a glove in your left elbow and take half swings. Go half way back to toe up, swing down and hit the ball, roll your forearm over and get the toe up on the half swing follow through". I dont think its really helped my ballstriking at all to tell you the truth. Im going back this Friday to talk to him again. Im going to see what he says about my swing now.
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