I love playing with other people, but I play alone by preference most of the time. I play up to three balls at a time and not necessarily the entire hole. I play golf to hit shots, not keep score or follow arcane rules, (necessary though they may be for competitive play), and I move very quickly. I tend to play very early when possible and will simply skip holes if I get caught behind Easter Egg Hunts or idiots. I buy $20 dollar balls and never look for a ball beyond driving past the place it entered the doo doo. I play "new golf", no one had to change anything for me. My chest swells when I fix a pitch mark because I hit a shot that left a pitch mark! I hit my driver better than any other club except maybe my putter. I never do more than sight a putt from a few feet behind the ball and I putt very well thank you. This game can be played for enjoyment the way it currently exists, no changes needed.