Before you burn the soap box... let me borrow it for a minute.
I am amazed at how some organizations or people are treating this with a lack of significance. I was at the Club with my girlfriend for a very "Socially distant" 9 holes yesterday afternoon. We wiped down the cart steering wheel, cart seat handles, divot fill jars, and bag strap buckles with alcohol (70%) swabs. We also brought anti-bacterial hand sanitizer for after raking the bunkers. I know to some of you this may sound like over kill, but My Girl (a former D-1 golfer) has bad Asthma, and I am dedicated to keeping her (and I) safe, while not totally separating us from our live of the game.
Here is the soap box part of my story... The club sent an email with an elaborate list of new healthy practices that are in place to protect Staff and Membership alike. (we have a large group of golf members who at at risk due to age and pre-existing health issues). Among the list was that Cart steering wheels would be sprayed with anti-microbial sprays after each play before the carts are lined up for a round. I spoke to the Bag room attendant about this process (just making small talk) and he said... we are not doing anything different. He even asked me if there was a message that actually told the members that it was a new practice?
Fellow TST members... Please make sure that organizations are actually doing the safety measures that they are promising. this is serious and lives do depend on it. Stay safe and Healthy!!!