Long story short: Tried the Bridgestone e6 for the first time today. It was like magic.
I had a rough range warmup before a round with my parents today. A lesson earlier in the morning with my instructor wanting me to change 3 things all at once (address 1 inch closer, straighten out swing path, make swing plane more vertical) wasn't helping. In fact, I didn't hit any decent shots with anything longer than a 6i. As I walked over to the first tee, I contemplated playing short irons only for the day. But I didn't, and things turned around quickly on course. Some of it undoubtedly is a placebo effect. But given that the effect lasted the entire round, I think there's something to this ball.
Got to the first hole, teed up the ball and pulled out the driver. Nailed the ball, got a nice long drive with an ever so slight draw, right down the middle of the fairway. And the driver magic continued throughout the round. Didn't hit all the fairways, but misses were because of pulling or pushing, not because of hook or slice. In only two cases did I notice appreciable side spin on my driver. For me, that's like magic. As long as I didn't top the ball (no ball will help with that!), my fairway woods were like magic today, too.
Felt great on short to medium irons, too. Nice high trajectory, nice soft landings. Always very straight, with misses due to pulling or pushing. I hit pretty high and get soft landings anyways, but the ball seems to climb even higher than the Srixon Soft Feel that I was using before. And the almost complete lack of hooking and slicing was in sharp contrast to the range warmup before the round. Long irons were a bit of a mess today, but even then, with one exception, they went pretty straight.
No problems putting, chipping, or pitching with the ball. I felt great putting with the ball. Pitches stopped faster than I was used to. (This last point may or may not have more to do with technique changing due to a pitching mini-lesson at the end of my lesson, though.) I didn't lose any balls in the round, and the ball is in excellent shape despite hitting some trees. I'll see how future rounds go, but so far, it was like magic out there today. Unless things happened to click from my lesson during the walk from the range to the course, I must attribute some of that to the ball.
To think that I almost decided to play my entire round with short irons only after the range warmup went so terribly wrong. I'm glad I didn't do so. I'm sold on the anti-side spin claims for the ball. That little bit of help did so much for confidence... I just had to make solid contact and the ball flight was almost always a gentle draw or fade. Magic, I tell you.