I’ve always struggled with my driver. 12HCP now. Have a decent swing with the irons, am comfortable with the all irons. My 7I is about 165-170yrds.
Driver is another story. I’m just not able to get confident with the driver. Some rounds are very good, some of them are bad. On good days, drives can be from 270-300Yards. Drives are quite inconsistent, drives on some holes can be good nice draws, but some can be a wild shot left, or topping it for 100yrd wormburner. The ball doesn’t strike in the center of the driver club face, its all over and affects scoring. But with irons, its quite consistent and its center’ish all the time.
Looking for some help with experienced folks who have tamed their driver. What aspects of the swing (specifically for the driver) that is the key to getting consistent and confident with the driver? Sharing experiences that you guys faced and fixed would be greatly appreciated. What are some items I should try e.g: Slow swing speed? Slow down backswing? Shorter back swing? I’ve fixed sway and have decent hip turn over the years.