Oddly enough, driver is my most consistent club, followed by wedges, then short and mid irons. I still struggle at times with the hybrids, but struggle the MOST with the fairway wood. To the point I sometimes swap it out with a 2 hybrid. My biggest problem is that I can hit it great on the range, but on the course I either hit behind the ball or top it. And I 'think" I can attribute that to trying too hard on the course.
On the range I'm just trying to hit it clean and generally at my target. But on the course I think it gets into my head that I have to hit it to a number, or as far as I can, and I go at it too hard.
Aside from the fairway club, my putter isn't behaving too well lately. My last round, first tee.... I hit a beautiful drive that rolled out to 274 via the GPS. Hit a wedge to the back of the green, then proceeded to
4 PUTT!!!
First putt (long, probably 50 feet), barely made it half way there. Second putt still short by about 2 feet. Third snuck by on the left, then finally made the fourth. THAT is mega frustrating. But my next round, I will probably be 1 and 2 putting everything. That's just how my putting has gone this year so far. I can't wait until we are all settled in to the new house so I can get with my instructor and learn how to use that club properly!