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Big Week Ahead



We’ve got a big week ahead of us. I believe there are only three matchesT left this season (two 18-hole matches), and two of them are this week. We’ve got a home match on Tuesday, and an 18-hole away match at Kerr Lake on Thursday. 

As I said in my last entry, the top two teams go to regionals. We are now 4th in the standings (by how much, no idea), so we’ve got some work to do. Our plan for this week until Thursday:

Weekend: Hit some balls into my net at home. Haven’t been able to get to the course at all this past week because unfortunately, my youngest brother tested positive and we’re in our last day of quarantine (I’ve been tested twice, and thankfully both came back negative).

Monday: Team practice. May do some extra range work after official practice is over to prep for Tuesday.

Tuesday: Match day! Home course at Umstead Pines, so I’ve gotta put up a good score. I would definitely like to shoot around 40, but I’m gonna need at least a 42 or 43 to help the team.

Wednesday: Since official team practices are only Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, what we do is up to us. Depending on what happens in the match Tuesday, I may try to get some range work in. If I play well, I’ll take Wednesday off or maybe do some stuff at home.

Thursday: First 18-hole match of the season. This one’s at a completely unfamiliar track, so I’ll probably look it over on Google Maps or something to get a feel for it. But I need another good round to gain ground on all conference, but more importantly, our team standings.

If we don’t gain any ground this week and at least move up to third place, our chances are basically done unless we go lights out at the Conference Championship on the 20th, also at our home course. I’ll report back on Tuesday night with results!


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