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The Countdown Begins!



Second blog post of the season! Today I’ll explain what I did last week for practice, a little bit of new info I got about the season, and plans for this week.


Last week I had a goal of getting to the course four times, but only got out three times because I was sick Thursday and Friday (luckily just a cold). In those three trips to the course, we put in a good short game practice session and two solid nine hole rounds (39 and 43 with only one truly bad hole).

It was honestly one of the better weeks of practicing/playing I’ve had in a while, looking to continue that trend this week!


I said above that I found out a few more things about the season. The first day of practice is February 14, which is exactly a week from today. I also found out the dates and venues of the first two matches. Here they are!

March 7: Indian Valley (“The Valley) in Burlington, NC.

March 9: Hope Valley CC in Durham, NC.

So we are four weeks away from the first match! I don’t know a ton of specifics about either match (9 or 18, what tees we’re playing, etc.) but I’m going to assume that both matches are 9 holes. There’s only a handful of 18-hole matches every season, and they’re almost never early, so nine holes is a fair assumption. So I have one month to tune my game!


Unfortunately I won’t be able to get to the course today because it’s cold and rainy in Durham, but my brother and I are looking to practice tomorrow (more than likely a range day) and take advantage of getting out of school early by playing 18 Wednesday.

It’s supposed to be nice Thursday and Friday, so we will probably practice at least one of those days. Will likely focus that practice on what was sketchy in Wednesday’s round.


The first day of practice is exactly one week away, so my next blog post will most likely be one day this weekend. So stay tuned!!


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