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My Swing (Nicholas132000)


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I played from 7-12 years old as part of my school's co-curricular activity.

I am now 23 and have recently decided to pick up golf again.

I have watched a couple of videos on achieving a rotary swing, particularly on using the ground to open my hips on the downswing.

However, it seems like i am unable to achieve it. I still see alot of early extension (my right arms are fully extended before i hit the ball), and i dont have much rotation of my hips and chest on the downswing. My right heel also lifts off the ground very early. I also notice that sometimes my club becomes quite steep on the downswing. Was wondering if you'd be so kind to share some tips or drills or any things which i can correct in my swing. I would really appreciate it


Edited by iacas
embedded video, cleaned up text
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