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  • Posts

    • Give "every" avenue a thorough look before surgery.   Don't rule out anything that will give you relief.   Do your homework for every doctor you deal with.   From experience, I wish you well.
    • Day 67 (8 Jul 24) - Pitching work in the backyard with the PW - ball position/ball flight correlation work - ball back (near trail foot - lower flight); ball center (mid stance - normal flight); ball forward (near lead foot - more lofted flight)…worked to stay away from “trying to help it in the air” syndrome…
    • There was a shop near me years ago that used rubber cement. It went on easy and was ready to go in 15 minutes.
    • Must be something about golfing in Ohio! I haven’t played since then. I injured my hip before the trip and played through it and the lessons in Erie. Compensating did a number on my left SI joint. I’m very familiar with SI joint injuries too since I dealt with my right SI since a high school injury. That was a long time ago. I hope you can delay surgery and recover somewhat with the injections. I’ve had that done too on my right side. You still have to do the work, but it does help. Good luck.
    • Thank you! I'm taking some lessons with an instructor and try to go weekly to a pitch & putt public golf course to practice.   Also this month my dad is visiting from Switzerland, so we will definitely play some rounds together and will receive his feedback. Thanks again, I will enjoy this forum for sure!
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